Thematic events

Spaces to delve into specific topics related to the axes of the Ministerial Meeting (financing, reactivation and recovery, and transformation).
Eventos paralelos
Last update:1 February 2024

Os eventos temáticos foram realizados durante a reunião ministerial em Santiago. Eles se concentraram em temas específicos relacionados com os eixos da cúpula (financiamento, reativação e recuperação, e transformação), de maneira mais detalhada do que nas sessões principais. Esses eventos proporcionaram a oportunidade de apresentar pesquisas, inovações, desafios nacionais e melhores práticas, ao mesmo tempo que promoveram o diálogo e a colaboração em áreas de interesse específico. Esses espaços poderiam incluir apresentações, debates, workshops e outras atividades que permitiram aos participantes explorar temas centrais e conectar-se com atores e parceiros a nível regional.

JANUARY 25th, 2024

Most events on the first day will start at 17:45. Any exceptions to this schedule will be indicated

01) Tashkent+1: Regional Action on Early Childhood Care and Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Organized by: World Organization for Early Childhood Education  
Where: Enrique Iglesias Hall, ECLAC  
When: January 25, 2024, 13:00-13:40 h  
About this thematic event: The Tashkent Declaration commits States to provide at least one year of free and compulsory quality preschool education for all, and to progressively increase the supply of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), in all its forms and formats; prioritizing ECCE staff and increasing funding for ECCE to a level sufficient to achieve SDG target 4.2. One year after its implementation, it is necessary for the States of Latin America and the Caribbean to develop their own diagnosis in order to develop and strengthen powerful action, as well as to mobilize coordinated and collaborative support in and among the Member States to strengthen ECCE Systems. 

02) Multiplying Learning with Cost-Effective Technologies

Organized by: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 
Where: Room Z-407 When: January 25, 2024, 17:45-18:45 h  
About this thematic event: A phone call has the potential to transform each student's relationship with their learning. This publication seeks to make visible learning acceleration programs as a promising and structural solution to face the learning crisis that Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing today. Distance tutoring is highlighted especially as a cost-effective and adaptable tool to various contexts, which succeeds in improving foundational competencies, reducing learning gaps, and promoting the completion of students' educational trajectories, thus contributing to the economic and social development of the region. Documented experiences in countries of Latin America and other regions of the world lead to a series of policy recommendations for implementing these types of interventions on a large scale.

03) Green Rising: A common agenda for environmental education and development of green skills in the Amazon region

Organized by: UNICEF  
Location: Classroom 2  
When: January 25, 2024, 17:45-18:45  
About this thematic event: This event aims to promote dialogue and collaboration among Amazon countries in implementing environmental education and the development of green skills through the exchange of experiences and the presentation of the key pillars of the Green Rising – Amazonia initiative, supported by Generation Unlimited and UNICEF to drive an equitable ecological transition through experimental environmental education and the development of ecological skills.

04) Regional Solidarity in Action: Presentation of the Results of the Regional Forum "Education Beyond Borders"

Organized by: Regional Education Group  
Location: Celso Furtado Room  
When: January 25, 2024, 17:45-18:45  
About this thematic event: The Regional Forum "Education Beyond Borders", organized in conjunction with the Regional Education Group of Latin America and the Caribbean, is a dedicated regional space for coordination among ministries of education that was established in 2019 with the objective of providing a space for technical and political dialogue on the right to education for people in mobility, migrants and refugees situations. The Forum has allowed addressing regionally the main obstacles faced by educational systems in this matter and has focused its work on four areas: (1) Strengthening of the regional educational response; (2) Planning for inclusive and equitable access to educational systems; (3) Creation of inclusive educational and social environments; and (4) Promotion of lifelong learning opportunities and educational recognition. The Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers will advance in the configuration of a regional reference framework on public policies for reactivation, recovery, and educational transformation. As the Regional Forum "Education Beyond Borders" precedes it, it will provide the necessary inputs for the definition of regional priorities that allow for progress towards comprehensive educational responses, beyond specific migratory flows, to strengthen the preparation, response, and resilience of educational systems.

05) Boys and Girls Online: Data from the Latest Kids Online Survey in Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, and Uruguay

Organized by: ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean)  
Location: Auditorio Fernando Fajnzylber
When: January 25, 2024, 17:45-18:45  
About this thematic event: The event aims to promote reflection on plans and public policies focused on children and adolescents in the digital age, with special emphasis on access, quality, and educational transformation. This includes a focus on the recovery of learning, its improvement, and the generation of digital skills. It is vital to build strategies that allow new generations to fully participate in their societies in a safe manner and have the chance to access better opportunities in the present and future.

06) Brasilia Consensus (closed event)

Organized by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chile)  
Location: Raúl Prebisch Room  
When: January 25, 2024, 17:45-18:45  
About this thematic event: The holding of the Regional Conference on Higher Education CRES+5 in Brasilia in March 2024 will be an opportunity to discuss and comment on progress of variuos aspects of the Higher Education. Chile has proposed this meeting to start the aforementioned dialogue and specifically address two issues of common interest to the region:

  1. Strengthening rural education to reduce prevailing inequalities. 
  2. Discussing a new project in South America that would promote and fund the student exchange of university students between different countries in the region. 

07) Digital Technologies and the Human Right to Education: Their Transformative Power Depends on Us

Organised by: CLADE  
Location: Enrique Iglesias Hall  
When: January 25, 2024, 17:45-18:45 h  
About this thematic event: The event aims to deepen the debate on how the use of digital technologies can contribute to a real transformation of the educational systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the perspective of advancing in the definition of relevant public policies that engage with the guarantee of the human right to education. Conceptual reflections and inspiring examples currently in action within the public educational systems in the region will be showcased.

JANUARY 26th, 2024

Most events will begin at 12:20. Exceptions to the schedule are noted. 

08) Youth: Presentation of the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring GEM Report 2023

Organised by: The Millennials Movement, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Santiago, team of the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report).  
Location: Enrique Iglesias Hall  
When: January 26, 2024, 10:00-11:00 h  
About this thematic event: This parallel event launching the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) seeks to generate an intergenerational dialogue on the importance of technology and its use as a tool to respond to the challenges presented by current educational processes in the region, and to complement and strengthen the work of teachers and public policies in education. This session will present UNESCO's efforts to engage the youth of the region in the advocacy and dissemination process of the GEM Report in their territories, as well as the activities developed in the region by the youth together with UNESCO for the creation of the Youth Technology and Education Report, done by, with, and for the youth.

09) Promoting the Power of Public-Private Partnerships to Transform Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Organised by: UNICEF LACRO and UNESCO Mexico  
Where: Raúl Prebisch Room
When: 26 January 2024, 12:20-13:20 h  
About this thematic event: This event aims to deepen the debate on how the use of digital technologies can contribute to a real transformation of the educational systems in Latin America and the Caribbean. It focuses on advancing the definition of relevant public policies that engage with the guarantee of the human right to education. The event will feature conceptual reflections and inspiring concrete cases that are being implemented in public education systems in our region and beyond. 

10) Transforming Education in the SICA region: showcasing policy making experiences from reaction and resilience to innovative visions to ensure the right to quality, inclusive and equitable education

Organised by: UNESCO San José and CECCSICA  
Where: Classroom 1  
When: 26 January 2024, 12:20-13:20 h  
About this thematic event: The event aims to highlight experiences of policies, programmes, and initiatives from the Ministries of Education in the SICA region that address educational transformation. It will cover challenges and lessons learned and promote reflection on the role of multilateral governmental organizations in driving educational transformation processes, based on the promotion of dialogue, exchange, and cooperation. 

11) Towards a Learning Recovery Framework in Latin America and the Caribbean

Organised by: ECLAC, World Bank, UNESCO, and UNICEF  
Where: Enrique Iglesias Room  
When: 26 January 2024, 12:20-13:20 h  
About this thematic event: Drawing on the lessons learned from the post-pandemic years and the experience of existing frameworks, this event proposes a space for discussion on the need for a learning recovery framework to accelerate the achievement of SDG4. In dialogue with representatives from the Ministries of Education of countries in the region, a first version of this framework will be presented. The definition of a series of concrete policies will allow for specific monitoring of actions to identify good practice cases in each of the central themes proposed by the framework. This will provide inputs to a direct learning exercise from ongoing experiences to drive the achievement of educational goals in the region.

12) The Digital Transformation Collaborative: Mobilizing coordinated, cooperative partnerships to advance national visions for transformation in education

Organized by: Digital Transformation Collaborative  
Where: Celso Furtado Room  
When: 26 January 2024, 12:20-13:50 h 

13) Challenges of higher education and the Regional Agreement for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications: ongoing developments

Organized by: UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC)  
Where: Room Z-407  
When: 26 January 2024, 12:20-13:20 h  
About this thematic event: The aim of this event is to disseminate the latest trends in student exchange in the region, based on a study conducted by IESALC, and at the same time, to discuss further opportunities to deploy of the Buenos Aires Convention.

14) The relevance of the ERCE study for regional and national monitoring of learning achievement

Organized by: UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Santiago and its Latin American Laboratory for the Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE)  
Where: Classroom 2  
When: 26 January 2024, 12:20-13:20 h