Preparatory meetings

Meetings that will deepen and agree on specific regional topics in flexible formats. Their outcomes will become inputs for the Ministerial Meeting of Education.
Reuniones preparatorias
Last update:19 January 2024

Its target audience includes representatives from Ministries of Education, Ministries of Finance, international development cooperation agencies, and other ministries; United Nations agencies and multilateral organizations; regional and national youth organizations, parents, teachers, and educators; civil society, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and foundations; experts, universities, and research institutes. 

Participation in these events is by invitation. 

Regional forum 2024 "Education beyond borders"

23-24 January 2024

The forum will define regional priorities for coordination among countries, while also strengthening the exchange of successful experiences for the educational inclusion of the migrant, refugee, and returnee population. This will become essential background for the decision-making of countries to make their education systems more flexible, prepared, and resilient.

Education beyond borders