
Workshop presents innovations and strategies for inclusive and digital education in rural areas of Honduras and Nicaragua

The Ceibal Foundation and UNESCO held the Seminar-Workshop for the scaling up of the "Rural and Inclusive Digital Education" project in Honduras. The event aimed to present the project's innovations and provide guidance and tools for quality rural education.
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On February 7th, the Seminar-Workshop on Scaling the project "Digital Adaptations for Effective and Inclusive Distance Education in Rural Communities of Honduras and Nicaragua" (Rural and Inclusive Digital Education) was held. It was organized by the Ceibal Foundation of Uruguay in collaboration with the UNESCO Multipurpose Office for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

Around 70 members of the Honduran education community participated in this virtual workshop, including officials from the Honduran Ministry of Education, educational television stations, technical and teaching teams, as well as stakeholders in Honduras.

The objective of the workshop was to inform key education stakeholders in Honduras about the innovations, knowledge, and experiences produced under the project and to provide them with guidance and tools for adapting and replicating the project's innovations with a gender focus and in multicultural and multilingual contexts.

During the event, the main advances of the project were presented, as well as the learning strategies designed to promote equitable access to resources and pedagogical practices through participatory production methodologies. The importance of using digital technologies effectively for distance and hybrid learning was also highlighted.

Among the workshop speakers were the Director of the Ceibal Foundation, María Florencia Ripani, Brad Olsen from the Brookings Institution, and other key education stakeholders.

The project, which will conclude on November 30th, 2023, was selected under the Knowledge & Innovation Exchange (KIX) call and is financed by IDRC Canada and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

About the authors

Mariana looking straight to the camara
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