
Sudanese Minister of Education Expresses her Support for the TVET Development of UNESCO in Sudan

On 4 February 2019, H.E. the federal Minister of Education, Ms. Mashaer Ahmed Elamin Abdallah, organized an info-session concerning UNESCO’s TVET project in Sudan funded by  with the attendance of the State Minister of higher Education, Dr. Gamal Mahmoud, State Minister of Federal Governance, Ms. Tabitha Butrus, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Dr. El Tahir Hassan, and Ministers of Education of some states of Sudan, who were supported by the staff of the Ministry of Education, Supreme Council for Vocational Training and Apprenticeship, National Council for Technical and Technological Education, and Sudan Technical University.


The Secretary General of the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture (NatCom), Dr. Abdulgadir Noureddin, opened the discussion, displaying the achievements made in TVET through the deep collaboration between NatCom, UNESCO Khartoum, and responsible government bodies, and thanked the Minister for her attention to the project. Dr. Aiman Badri from the UNESCO Khartoum office presented the TVET project objectives, and outlined its progress and achievements. He attracted attention of the participants to the challenges of managing the national team of ninety members. He overviewed the issues of the project linked to general demand on giving more attention to agriculture, greater engagement with private sector, and inclusion of other government entities like the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Higher education, Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, Sudan National Service, and the Presidential Council.


Ms. Tabitha Butrus, the State Minister of Federal Governance, hailed the efforts of UNESCO and expressed her full support to coordination with the federal and state Ministries of Education and other relevant to TVET bodies to move forward the TVET development in Sudan.


Completing the info-session, Ms. Mashaer Ahmed Elamin, the Minister of Education, expressed her gratitude to the good will of the TVET national team, and to the work done by the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Labour, and other entities involved. She adopted the project objectives and approaches, and requested to make all relevant documentation and studies on TVET to be available. Ms. Mashaer Ahmed Elamin found reasonable to bring the government stakeholders to the Vice-President for discussing TVET issues and challenges in Sudan, and to re-think the role of the National Council for Technical and Technological Education. She thanked UNESCO for its efforts developing the Sudanese TVET System, and expressed her satisfaction with the progress, which the UNESCO’s TVET project has achieved. She found reasonable to organize a National TVET Conference, and proposed her auspice for it.