Safety Training for Women Journalists in Khartoum

On 3-5 January 2019, the Sudanese Journalist Union (SJU) with assistance of the UNESCO Khartoum office organized a Safety Training Workshop (TWS) for Women Journalists, which was funded by the Swiss Embassy in Khartoum. The TWS took place on the SJU’s premises, and involved 20 women representing newspapers, satellite channels, Sudan News Agency and radio stations.
During opening session, the speakers highlighted the importance of safety training for women journalists, and hailed the high quality of safety training program carried out by SJU in partnership with UNESCO Khartoum office. They commemorated sponsors of the similar trainings in 2018: the Italian Development Agency (AICS), Dutch Embassy in Khartoum and the UNAMID, and expressed their gratitude to the Swiss embassy in Khartoum for its generous support of the current TWS for women journalists. They called participating women to take advantage of the program, noting that the safety of journalists is one of the top priorities of the SJU.
The manager of the program, Mrs. Hadia Ali stressed on the importance of occupational safety in the current circumstances, indicating that the training had an effective role in raising awareness about the steps needed for being protected. She highlighted that the TWSs of the program usually conducted by Sudanese women journalists – members of SJU, who initially has been trained by UNESCO, which shows great sustainability of the program.
The training workshop continued three days implementing the curriculum adopted by UNESCO for strengthening the safety of women-journalists. Several journalists working in the conflict zones shared their experience with the participants.
The workshop recommended establishing in Sudan a high-level training center for journalists, and providing them by the safety equipment including proper clothing and helmets. , in coordination with the UN so as to raise awareness about journalists protection.