
Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future Plus (O3 Plus) Project in Tanzania

Ensure that learners in Higher and Tertiary Education institutions realize positive health, education and gender equality outcomes through sustained reductions in new HIV infections, Unintended pregnancy, and Gender-based violence
Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future Plus (O3 Plus) Project in Tanzania

Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3 Plus) project seeks to ensure that young people in higher and tertiary education institutions (HTEIs) in Tanzania realize positive health, education and gender equality outcomes through sustained reductions in new HIV infections, unintended pregnancy and sexual and gender-based violence. The project will thus enable them to reach their full educational potential and contribute more effectively to the development of the country and region as graduates, professionals, and young leaders. With support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the project is implemented across campuses of Higher and Tertiary Education institutions (HTEIs) in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar from August 2021 to December 2025.

Working closely with relevant regional structures, national ministries, higher and tertiary education institutions, and key partners, UNESCO supports innovation in access to Life Skills-based Sexuality Education and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for HTEI students while advocating for policy and practice changes to make campuses safe and inclusive learning environments for students and staff. In doing so, the project will institutionalize health and well-being programs for students while engaging leadership for long-term commitment and sustainability.

O3 Plus project covers 26 higher education institutions, whereby 7 campuses/institutes namely: University of Dar es Salaam (Mlimani campus),Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE), University of Dar es Salaam Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS), Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in Zanzibar, Mineral Resource Institute (MRI), and the University of Dodoma (UDOM) are direct beneficiaries and  19 campuses/institutes namely: Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy University, Institute of Rural Development (Mwanza Campus), St. Augustine University of Tanzania ( Mwanza Campus), University of Iringa, Ruaha Catholic University, Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences, St John’s University of Tanzania (Dodoma), Zanzibar University, Tanzania Institute of Accounts, Kampala International University in Tanzania, Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (and its affiliated 5 campuses in Mwanza, Mtwara, Singida, Kigoma and Dar es Salaam), Institute of Rural Development Planning (Dodoma Campus), Institute of Accountancy Arusha (Arusha), Institute of Social Work, and Tengeru Institute of Community Development are benefiting through networking and sharing good practices and selected interventions.

Empowered to empower others
Empowered to empower others

Project Goal

The project seeks to contribute to the reduction of HIV, STIs, Gender Sexual Based Violence, and Unintended Pregnancy amongst learners in Tanzania through enhancing access to quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), promoting gender respectful non-violent relationships, and creating demand promote utilization of SRH, HIV and GBV related services.

Project Objectives

The project has four objectives:
Institutional strengthening for sustainability

to support the institutionalization of CSE, SRHR services and prevention of / response to sexual and gender-based violence across the higher and tertiary education sector

Student health and well-being

to build and strengthen the capacity of campus health facilities to offer a trusted standard package of youth-friendly health services for students, along with referral mechanisms to specialist care and support services as needed

Safe and inclusive campus environments

to support the development, implementation, and effective enforcement of laws and policies to protect students from sexual and gender-based violence, which they may encounter in and around campus environments

Evidence-building and knowledge-sharing platform

to commission epidemiologic and operations research studies to generate a body of knowledge for a deeper understanding of the HIV/STI, including insights on student ‘demand’, HTEI-based ‘supply’, and the broader campus environment

Expected Results

In the completion of the project UNESCO expect to realize four outcomes:

  1. Institutionalized higher and tertiary education institution’s commitment to CSE and SRHR through policies and curriculum
  2. Improving access to quality SRHR services and information to students and the university community
  3. Promoting safer, more inclusive and more supportive campus environments for all students
  4. Improve access to evidence base for CSE/SRHR needs and effective approaches within HTEIs


Three bodies are responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the project activities, namely the National steering committee, the National technical advisory team and the Institutions working groups.

The National Steering Committee provides an overall guidance on the implementation of O3 Plus project in Tanzania which is led jointly by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and UNESCO (Co-chairing). It is composed of key stakeholders from MoEST, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups (MoCDGWSP) , Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), beneficiary universities (UDSM UDOM), Students associations. (DARUSO UDOSO), TACAIDS, and the National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM). Also invited members are SIDA and SDC.

As part of the project management structure, The National Steering Committee’s role is also to ensure delivery of the project outputs and the achievement of project objectives.

In addition, there is a technical Committee that is composed of technical staff led by programme national officer from UNESCO. The Technical Committee is responsible for providing technical support and monitoring all technical aspects of the project during its course of implementation.

Also, there is an Institution Working Group which is led by the Project Focal Person in collaboration with UNESCO coordinator.

Project Execution

The project is implemented within the framework of Education for Health and Wellbeing Strategy and approved country indicative work plan in line with the regional project result framework.

UNESCO works in collaboration with the HTEIs managements structure to ensure implementation of planned activities.

Audit, Monitoring and Evaluation

For each of the activities under the four results, the project has defined clear outputs, which are quantifiable whenever it is possible. These outputs are described in the project’s results framework.

Impact and Achievements

  1. Secured national and institutional commitment to support and sustain innovation that ensures young people in Higher and Tertiary Education Institutions (HTEIs) in Tanzania gain positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes.  
  2. Increased access to relevant, accurate and right-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) online course including HIV and GBV in HTEIs in Tanzania by 62.1% (33,895 out of 54,617 young people). 
  3. Integrating project interventions/goals into reviewed/developed policies focusing on students’ welfare.  
  4. Client feedback mechanism in health facilities enhanced and strengthened through the introduction, adoption, and improvement of students’ health service scorecards
  5. Increased access to quality Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights information and services to young people.   
  6. Improved linkage and collaboration among service units that provide services to young people in the institution.  
  7. Strengthened GBV preventive and response mechanisms at all beneficiary institutions
  8. Physical environments of 5 health facilities have been improved to observe privacy, enhance confidentiality, and promote the uptake and provision of Youth-Friendly Health Services to young people.  

The O3 Plus has helped me build confidence and courage, I can stand in front of people and share my opinion and contribute to topics related to youths life, I have gained a spirit to devote myself more to my studies and work hard toward achieving my education goals, now I have become more helpful to my classmates and friends by being able to give them the right information on where to go to if they encounter social, health & academic challenges and need anything here in campus.

Lilian MaranduPeer Educator, Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)

UNESCO’O3 Plus project has established providers’-led, peer-assisted program in 25 Higher Learning Institutions campuses across Tanzania that aims to provide learners with appropriate knowledge and skills on matters related to Adolescence and Sexuality; Reproductive Health and Rights, STIs and HIV; Relationships; Gender-Based Violence; and Resource Management. The program has reached over 150,000 learners to date.

O3 Plus achievements in a snapshot

O3 Plus Achievements By Feb 2024