National Qualification Framework started to be developed in Sudan

On 3 September 2018, the UNESCO Khartoum office organized the workshop in Khartoum, in the Grand Holiday Vila Hotel, launching the development of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) for Sudan. The activity is a part of the project for Strengthening TVET System in Sudan, funded by the UNESCO’s Capacity in Education (Cap-ED) Programme. More than 30 TVET professionals participated in the workshop.
© UNESCO: Workshop on National Qualification Framework in Khartoum, Sudan, on 3/09/2018: Stage
The participatory and interactive workshop provided a floor for discussions among the National Team and other key TVET stakeholders about the process and methodology, in which the NQF will be developed. The workshop successfully concluded after achieving the following objectives:
1. Identifying challenges of the NQF development, in fundamental, technical and strategic aspects.
2. Agreeing on building a National Qualifications System comprising:
a. NQF to be developed
b. Industry and education standards
c. Quality Assurance System
d. Qualification Registry and Information System.
3. Agreeing on promoting the life-long learning by integrating policies and tools that allow transfer, progression and mobility.
4. Agreeing on promoting access to learning across formal and non-formal education.
5. Discussing how to benchmark the quality of people’s qualifications in Sudan with those of abroad.
6. Agreeing to standardize terminologies and standards for qualifications across all education providers, in Sudan.
© UNESCO: Workshop on National Qualification Framework in Khartoum, Sudan, on 3/09/2018: Work
In his presentation, the international expert explained:
* The qualifications framework (QF) architecture,
* The key phases in developing a QF.
* The components for building the QF.