
Latin American meeting on education evaluation

This event aims to bring together leaders in public educational policy and representatives of evaluation bodies from Latin America and the Caribbean to promote collaborative learning about best evaluation practices, as well as to drive the development of collaborative exercises based on innovation.
Niños rindiendo una prueba
Latin American Meeting on Education Evaluation
Bogota, Colombia
Rooms :
Bogota, Colombia
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :

From the perspective that evidence-based decision-making is essential for the effective advancement of educational systems, this event seeks to highlight the importance of using evaluation as a strategic tool to improve educational quality in the region.


  • To drive collective construction processes that emphasize the public value that evaluation generates for educational transformation.
  • To provide a space for the dialogue of knowledge and the exchange of best practices in educational evaluation and public policy among the countries of the region.
  • To strengthen the articulation mechanisms between the transformation and learning recovery agenda in the region and the educational evaluation processes.

Temáticas del encuentro

Assessment and learning recovery 
From a comprehensive perspective of the regional educational agenda, the event will address the common challenges faced by educational systems in Latin America and the Caribbean. Within this agenda, assessment is a fundamental input for making evidence-based decisions to implement strategies (in terms of learning) with structural impact.

SER (Being) assessment 
Recognizing the need to form whole, competent, and aware individuals, the meeting will advocate for the inclusion of key dimensions in the assessment related to being, such as socio-emotional skills, physical well-being, and civic and citizenship education. In this way, the SER assessment contributes to preparing students to be participative and resilient citizens in a dynamic society.

Innovation in the assessment of educational quality 
In line with the challenges of the regional agenda in terms of public educational policy, the event seeks to create a scenario for innovation in the processes of generating relevant and timely data and statistics for evidence-based decision-making.


Collaborative learning among participants will be actively promoted, encouraging them to share successful experiences and challenges in educational evaluation. Additionally, participation in co-creation exercises will be encouraged, allowing contributions to the regional evaluation framework in the areas of recovery and transformation, which is a mandate from the last meeting of ministers held in Santiago de Chile in January 2024, with the aim of contributing to actions within the framework of the common agenda to be promoted.

Innovation will be at the heart of new practices that are piloted and scaled up as contributions from the evaluation to accelerate learning opportunities and transform education to meet the demands of the 21st century.

Expected outcomes

The Latin American Meeting on Educational Evaluation is presented as a fundamental space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among those responsible for education in the region. By focusing on comprehensive evaluation and collaborative learning, it aims to generate concrete actions that contribute to the substantial improvement of educational quality in Latin America and the Caribbean. This event stands as a key milestone on the path towards more efficient, equitable educational systems that are aligned with current needs, marking the beginning of a new era of collaboration and educational transformation in the region.

In this sense, the expected outcomes are:

  • To contribute to the regional framework of recovery and transformation, with the inclusion of an evaluation section.
  • Within the context of the regional agenda, to establish a working group on measuring aspects of BEING that go beyond the cognitive, to contribute to comprehensive development.
  • To agree on possible joint actions with regional impact that influence the improvement of evaluation processes and evidence generation for public policy on recovery, acceleration, and educational transformation.
  • To identify and agree on mechanisms of cooperation and transfer regarding best practices in the evaluation of educational quality.


The event is aimed at:

  • Ministerial authorities from Latin American and Caribbean countries responsible for the processes of evaluating educational quality.
  • Representatives from bodies responsible for educational evaluation in the countries of the region.
  • National coordinators of the LLECE (Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education).
  • Multilateral organizations with a regional agenda on evaluation.
Nota conceptual y agenda