
Webinar: Education in emergencies – Towards resilient educational communities

The SM Foundation, SM Spain, UNESCO, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), and UNICEF Spain invite teachers and educators to a free webinar on the topic Education in Emergencies: Towards Resilient Educational Communities.
Portada de la publicación
Webinar: Education in emergencies – Towards resilient educational communities
Rooms :
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :

This webinar is part of a joint initiative between UNESCO, Fundación SM, and Grupo SM within the Rebuilding Without Bricks Movement. Its main purpose is to delve into the fundamental concepts of education in emergencies from a human rights-based approach.

The webinar will serve as a platform to share concrete experiences based on the Rebuilding Without Bricks guide, created in 2017 in response to the fires that affected Chile's central-southern region. This tool, applied in various crisis contexts, aims to strengthen local capacities and promote educational transformations that incorporate lessons learned from emergency situations. Through cases implemented by UNESCO offices, the webinar will demonstrate how this initiative translates international standards into sustainable and context-adapted educational responses.

Programme and Registration