
International Day to Protect Education from Attack 2022

International Day to Protect Education from Attack 2022

In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared the 9th of September as . The resolution proclaiming the Day was presented by the State of Qatar and co-sponsored by 62 countries. UNESCO and UNICEF were designated as the United Nations agencies responsible for raising awareness of the plight of the millions affected by attacks on education globally.

Places of education should be safe havens for children, students and education personnel. However all too often they, and the places wherein they learn, become either direct targets or collateral damage in conflict-affected contexts. These attacks on education can have serious, long-term physical and psychological repercussions for students and teachers. They can suspend teaching and learning, lead to a significant increase in dropout rates and prevent students from accessing their right to quality education.

According to the 2022  report, throughout 2021 and 2022 there were 5,000 reported attacks on education and incidences of military use of schools and universities globally. The  also reported that 9,000 students and educators were harmed in 85 countries.

Attacks on education in Palestine are also referenced in the 2022 report. For instance, out of the 28 countries profiled, Palestine was ranked as one of three countries most affected by attacks on schools, alongside Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Recently, as 1.3 million children returned to school in Palestine, the  highlighted the incidences of violence and attacks they had already been subjected to in 2022 and called for more to be done to protect them.

The first two years marking International Day to Protect Education from Attack emphasised the central role that safe, inclusive and quality education plays in fostering peace and social cohesion. World leaders, experts, advocates, civil society and youth representatives in support of action united against attacks on education.

This year’s events will focus on the need to strengthen prevention mechanisms, protect vulnerable populations and enhance accountability mechanisms and access to justice. On 9 of September, UNESCO will host a high-level event at its headquarters in Paris. The event will be held in partnership with Qatar, Education Above All (EAA), UNICEF and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

UN speakers will include the Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Gutierrez, Director General of UNESCO, Ms. Audrey Azoulay, and the Executive Director of UNICEF, Ms. Catherine Russell. Participants will also hear from H.H. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of EAA, H.E. Mr. Nana-Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana, and H.R.H. Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.

The event will be livestreamed from 11am and you can follow .

In Palestine and beyond, the right to safe and quality education for all must be upheld. UNESCO and UNICEF will continue to work alongside our partners in Palestine to ensure that this is realised.