
Eswatini TVET Policy Review report launched

was launched on 17 February 2021 with virtual participants from the government, TVET stakeholders and UNESCO. The Report is a product of the UNESCO-supported TVET stakeholders scoping mission carried out in June 2019.

Under Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), Mr Bekhitemba Gama said the report contained critical information that could help strengthen the TVET sector’s contribution to economic transformation in Eswatini.

The Ministry finds the report to be an asset in that it unearthed critical gaps in TVET policy framework and practices that need to be addressed for the country to have TVET graduates with skills for economic transformation.
Mr. Bekhitemba Gama, Under Secretary, Ministry of Education and Training

He added that his Ministry found the report to be the beginning of work that needs to be done for the success of the TVET sector. 

The Report stresses on the strategic priorities for a new TVET policy; establishing a coordinating body to harmonise and regulate TVET delivery; improving the assessment and certification of learners; improving quality and relevance; enhancing the transition into the labour market; and reshaping the financing structure for sustainable TVET funding. These recommendations form the core of a new TVET policy for Eswatini soon to be embarked on.

To advance the SDG4 agenda, skills development is not a choice but important for economic growth ... you can have land, capital but the presence of relevant skills is the game change.
Mr. Thulani Mkhaliphi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS), Mr. Thulani Mkhaliphi said the review report and recommendations could not have come at a better time than when government was seized with the issue of skills development for the 15 – 20 thousand youngsters that the education system loses between Grade Seven and Grade Twelve learning period.

UNESCO is committed to support Eswatini’s efforts in strengthening TVET in the country … We are pleased that the Senior Management of the Ministries will review the timeline and take the appropriate measures to follow up the recommendations made in the review.
Ms. Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo, Head of Education, UNESCO Regional office for Southern Africa

UNESCO assured the Eswatini authorities that they were ready to support the process to take forward the development of a new TVET policy and related legislation.

Access the report .