
Bolivian Journalists Receive Vital Legal Assistance through Fundación para el Periodismo

The Fundación para el Periodismo has established a mechanism to receive, process and address cases of aggression and persecution against journalists in Bolivia.
Bolivian Journalists Receive Vital Legal Assistance

Through the support of the Global Media Defence fund, the Fundación para el Periodismo (Foundation for Journalism) has established a dedicated mechanism to receive, process and address cases of aggression and persecution against journalists in Bolivia.

Piloted since 2022, in its first year, this mechanism called RAPP (Red de Apoyo y Protección a Periodistas,Support and Protection Network for Journalists) has offered legal assistance to 30 journalists from almost all regions of Bolivia, with two thirds of them having been victims of physical assaults.

Among the notable cases handled by this mechanism was that of journalist Abel Bellido Cordoba. He worked at Página Siete, one of the main newspapers in the Bolivian capital La Paz, before its recent closure. Mr Cordoba had received death threats directed at him and his family through social media, in retaliation for his work. His case was submitted to the Fundacion para el Periodismo’s mechanism, which, in response, supported its presentation to the prosecutor's office. Despite the threats, and with the legal support enhancing his protection, Abel Bellido Cordoba remains dedicated to his work for digital media. 

In a context where reporting aggressions is not common, and the fear of reprisals high (notably, Fundacion para el Periodismo reported that 30% of the cases they received were withdrew due to fear), this mechanism has become a vital space for guidance, advice and legal support for journalists in Bolivia. 

Since 2022, UNESCO, through the Global Media Defence Fund, has been collaborating with Fundación para el Periodismo to strengthen media freedom and bolster journalist’s access to legal assistance, thereby enhancing their safety. This Fund was established within the framework of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity

To date, the Global Media Defence Fund has supported over 100 projects across the globe, directly benefiting over 3,000 journalists, involving at least 600 lawyers and engaging over a hundred non-governmental organisations. 

This project complements UNESCO Judges’ Initiative, which recently celebrated its . Over the last decade, this innovative programme has attracted 35.000 participants from over 160 countries. The initiative offers comprehensive and practical training to judicial actors on freedom of expression and the international standards that govern it.