
Country priorities in Transforming Education?

See what your countries committed to!
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Thematic areas of action in Transforming Education

was convened by the UN Secretary-General to respond to the triple crisis in education — the lack of inclusion and equity, quality, and relevance — that severely impacts learners. In the lead-up to the TES, consultations with leaders and policymakers from 163 countries, teachers and academics, civil society, and the youth were held. As one of TES’ significant outcomes, 143 countries committed to act and transform their education systems and have provided .

You might be wondering how national commitments can accelerate progress towards the SDG4 - Education 2030 agenda. On this article we list down the key findings of analysis of the Statements of National Commitments, and we provide an overview of the thematic areas to which countries have committed to how Transforming Education can be carried out from country perspectives within the lenses of nine thematic priorities. 

Nine main priority areas were identified, within which actions can be made in Transforming Education. They were further divided into 37 sub-themes. The nine areas are:  

  • Inclusion, equity and gender equality 

  • Teachers 

  • Content and methods 

  • Governance and financing 

  • Digital transformation and learning 

  • Early childhood care and education 

  • Higher education and research 

  • Covid-19 recovery 

  • Youth engagement 

Top priority for countries

Curricular contents and teaching methods garnered the most attention, with 93% of countries committing to transforming their education systems by pinning down aspects of school curricula and methods of teaching that need change. Countries have expressed improving the curricula through integration of relevant topics needed in the world of work, physical/mental health and safety, as well as socio-emotional skills needed to manage emotions and relationships. While this is a big leap that could turn many education systems more fit into the changing times, there rest some topics that also deserve more attention, such as foundational learning and STEM education

Commitment to uphold inclusion, equity and gender equality in schools came close at second, with 92% of countries committing to consider learners with disabilities and special needs, as well as gender equality and girls’ education. However, the discourse for inclusion and equity measures for refugees, displaced persons and migrants cultural and linguistic minorities, and learners from low-income families remain low, being mentioned by only 18% of those who committed to this thematic area. 

Governance and financing came as a third priority. 87% of countries committed to this thematic area by considering the increase and improvement of their domestic financing in education. In addition to financing, they also mentioned the importance of improving the governance of education systems

Prioritizing teachers and digital transformation and learning received commitments of 84% and 83% of the countries, respectively. Countries have recognized the critical role of teachers in Transforming Education and have recognized the need for training or professional development, as well as improvement of their working conditions. On digital learning, countries have pledged to expand or improve digital learning through enriched content and improved connectivity infrastructures

The countries committing to Transforming Education is a giant stride in advancing education systems and bringing them closer to the 2030 agenda. Nonetheless, some themes need more push into conscious discourse. Despite being the center of the TES agenda, youth engagement and empowerment remains low in the list of priorities, with only 13% of countries explicitly mentioning this in their commitments.  

Watch out for the Dashboard of Country Commitments

Do you want to know what your country committed to? Watch out for the launch of the Dashboard of Country Commitments and Action this September! 

We also invite you to visit the SDG4 Knowledge Hub to read the National Statements of Commitments and to know more about thematic areas of priority.