Global flow of cultural goods and services: still a one‑way trade
While the previous edition of the Global Report focused on cultural goods, the sixth chapter expands the analysis to cultural services (as new data have become available). Examining the international flow of cultural goods and services, the chapter highlights that exports of cultural goods and services doubled in value between 2005/2006 and 2019. Despite this, the participation of developing countries in global flows of cultural goods has stagnated. Meanwhile, developed countries continue to dominate the trade in cultural services – accounting for an average of 95% of total exports. More specifically, the Least Developed Countries represent less than 0.5% of the global cultural goods trade, while in the international trade of cultural services, they are invisible. Foreign Direct Investment also remains disproportionately in favour of developed countries. Preferential treatment for cultural goods and services from developing countries continues to be underutilised, to the detriment of the diversity of cultural expressions. As the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitization in the production, distribution and access of cultural goods and services, measuring the exchanges in services becomes all the more important.