New opportunities and challenges for inclusive cultural and creative industries in the digital environment
The third chapter dedicated to the digital environment investigates the effects of the ever more rapid digitalisation of culture. In 2020, 62.1% of total global recorded music revenues came from streaming, and video-on-demand subscriptions are still rising. A few high-profile examples of music and visual arts have been generated through artificial intelligence. These trends were amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, digitalisation also risks exacerbating existing inequalities, due to a digital divide in Internet access and literacy, concentration of platforms in a few countries and regions, unsustainable remuneration models for creators and business models that do not favour the discoverability of diverse content. Parties are starting to respond to these risks by supporting the digital transformation of the cultural and creative industries. However, the development and implementation of national road maps based on the Open Roadmap for the Implementation of the Convention in the Digital Environment approved by the Conference of Parties in 2019 have not yet gained full momentum.