
UNESCO and Council of Europe launch survey for secondary school teachers on student voice during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic brought huge change for students, teachers and education systems but how did it affect student voice? Teachers from secondary schools in Europe, Middle East and North Africa are invited to take part in a launched by UNESCO and the Council of Europe to understand better how student participation or 'student voice,' which can range from simple self-expression to taking on a lead role in aspects of school life, has been affected.

The outcome of the ten-minute on-line survey, which is available in English, French and Arabic, will feed into the content of a joint conference to be organized in cooperation between UNESCO and the Council of Europe on 23-25 November 2020 under the title: ‘From making student voice heard to active civic participation: The role of schools in the digital age.’

Teachers who participate in the survey will also be invited to participate in the conference online and some school projects may be selected to be presented during the event.

UNESCO promotes youth and civic engagement as part of its work on and is supporting the return to school through its campaign et le .