Heritage houses

The "Revive the spirit of Mosul" initiative also brought the Old City back to life by rebuilding homes that were destroyed during the war.

With support from the European Union, UNESCO restored 124 historic houses as well as the urban landscape. Reconstruction included the upgrading of the electrical network, septic tanks, drainage, road surfacing and public lighting.

Before rebuilding, the neighbourhood was cleared: 2,107 tons of rubble and 21 unexploded ordnances were removed from the areas of intervention.

As of February 2024, 124 heritage houses had been rehabilitated using traditional techniques and materials. 

“During the war, the destruction was very frightening. There were only hills of rubble and destroyed houses. But one day, in 2019, I got a call from my neighbour saying that my house would be rebuilt by UNESCO. I couldn’t believe my ears. My house was rebuilt in one year. I received it in September 2021. It's a new life that has begun.”

Ahmad Waad35 and father to one child, has moved into his newly rebuilt house with his wife, brother and mother
The houses have been rebuilt using traditional techniques and materials

Action spotlight

This project generated over 3,500 jobs for local professionals. UNESCO also launched an apprenticeship programme to encourage youth employment in the fields of bricklaying, concrete, electrical installation and carpentry. 937 young men and women received on-the-job training during the reconstructions of houses.

In addition, an apprenticeship programme for marble, stone and alabaster carvers was launched to support seven small to medium enterprises in Mosul under the supervision of the Department of Labour and Social Affairs.

Press kit

Revive the Spirit of Mosul
January 2025