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Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media

Part of: Regional Refugee Response Plan for Ukraine Situation.

As part of the UN Regional Refugee Response Plan for the Ukraine Situation, UNESCO launched the “Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media” project in February 2023, assisting governments in the Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia in their refugee responses through working with national and local broadcasters. 

The initiative made concrete impact in increasing refugees’ access to credible and trustworthy information and fostering knowledge-based exchanges between refugees and host populations. 

Through the project 15 beneficiary media strengthened their editorial content on refugees and related issues, publishing nearly 400 news pieces. In total 30 displaced Ukrainian media professionals were engaged in making this media content in Ukrainian, as well as trained on modern broadcast equipment and production.

For more information about UNESCO's work on media and refugees, please visit  this page

Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media

12 months, from February 2023


USD 1.5 million


Government of Japan

Project countries:

Republic of Moldova, Romania and Slovakia

“Through this project, UNESCO strengthened fact-based information exchange between refugees and host citizens as audience members. In doing so, it fostered social cohesion. The project supported media in their portrayal of the diversity of viewpoints, and governments in their response to the refugee flows.”

Tawfik Jelassi
Tawfik JelassiUNESCO Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information

Baseline Study and Survey

The project implementation was guided by research on the media habits and information needs of the refugees from Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Slovakia, based on 695 interviews with displaced women, children, youths, older people, people with disabilities and vulnerable persons.

Survey by NRC for Refugee Media Project, June 2023.

Content by, with and for Ukrainian Refugees

Mainstream media worked with refugees from Ukraine to produce content for, with and by Ukrainian refugees, on topics of their interest and concern. Refugee voices were included in media coverage, to foster dialogue, inclusion and understanding with host communities.

Ukrainian Journalist

Media Capacity Development

Workshops and mentoring sessions on solutions journalism and ethical and conflict-sensitive reporting were held to strengthen the editorial practices of host-country media in covering refugees and related issues.

Irina Stryapko, Ukrainan media professional in Moldova

Stakeholder Inclusion

Government institutions and the UN multi-partner, multi-sector response actors were included in project events and activities, promoting a greater diversity of sources for refugee-related media coverage.

Project Flyer - Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media
Project Flyer - Support for Ukrainian Refugees throught Media
Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media: summary of project achievements
Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media: Republic of Moldova
Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media: Romania
Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media: Slovakia

Beneficiary countries


The project is part of and funded by


Mirta dzܰç
Chief of Section for Media Development and Media in Emergency, Communication and Information Sector