Teleradio Moldova weekly programme


Broadcasts to foster dialogue and understanding among refugees and host communities

Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, UNESCO supported broadcasters in neighbouring countries, such as Teleradio-Moldova (TRM), to launch a series of programmes to aid Ukrainian refugees with support from the Government of Japan. Displaced Ukrainian media professionals were included in the broadcasts to better help refugees navigate their new lives in Moldova.

Maria, a Ukrainian refugee in Moldova: “These programmes are very interesting and help us a lot, and we understand we are not alone here. Thanks to the information programmes, we know our rights and obligations in this society.” 

Funded by the Government of Japan as an emergency project under the UN’s Regional Refugee Response Plan for the Ukraine Situation, UNESCO supported TRM to produce and broadcast programmes accessible to the displaced Ukrainians to help them settle and rebuild their lives in Moldova.  H.E. Mr Yamada Yoichiro, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Moldova, stressed that the rights and freedoms of citizens need to be protected both in times of peace and war.

Teleradio Moldova - Training, Ukrainian refugee media professionals - 2023

Daria Russu, host of TV Moldova 1’s 30-minute Ukrainian-language “Weekly” TV-programme, noted the challenge refugees face in accessing credible news in their mother tongue: “Ukrainian refugees have nowhere to get information about Moldova and they have nowhere to get information about the world in general. That is exactly why this project is needed, so they can get verified, truthful and complete information in their native language.”   

Over the course of seven months, TRM broadcasted nearly 100 programmes for tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova. These covered a wide range of topics, including health, education, housing and daily life in the host country. More than 200 refugees, national experts and humanitarian actors were interviewed, providing valuable insights and perspectives for the programmes. 

Teleradio Moldova - Outreach event, Ukrainian refugees - 2023

A key component of the project was a baseline study on the media habits and information needs of the Ukrainian refugees, commissioned by UNESCO from its long-term partner, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). 

Loreana Sacara, TRM’s Project Coordinator, highlighted that the programmes were designed based on the research’s findings: “The programmes early gathered a wide loyal audience both among the refugees and the local population. They were aired in the Ukrainian language with subtitles or voiceovers in Romanian”. 

Teleradio Moldova - Training, Ukrainian refugee media professionals - 2023

By addressing misconceptions and countering mis- and disinformation, the broadcasts fostered dialogue and understanding among refugees and host communities. A viewer remarked "The radio and TV programmes have been eye-opening for us, serving as a bridge between the local communities and refugees." 

The success of project was ensured by integrating refugee media professionals into the production teams. A total of 16 displaced Ukrainian camera persons, reporters, video and radio editors and interpreters were hired and trained on modern broadcast production and technology. 

Teleradio Moldova - Children programme, Ukrainian Refugees. 2023

Nearly 50 regular TRM employees participated in the project. Some produced a dedicated children’s series to teach Ukrainian children in Romanian, Moldova’s main language. Over 19 episodes, the series depicted the friendship between Aura from Moldova and Ukrainian Tania and helped the children learn new words and names in both languages. 

Rodica Gornea, a refugee from Ukraine, appreciated the broadcasts for her children. “These programmes create a feeling of warmth and care in a new place and help our children in the process of adaptation, in learning a new language and culture,” she said. 

Today TRM continues its weekly productions, helping thousands of Ukrainian refugees in the host country.

Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Media

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