Rights and obligations of Associate Members
Resolution 41.2 adopted by the General Conference at its 6th session.1
The General Conference,
Whereas Article II of the UNESCO Constitution has been amended to provide for the admission of territories or groups of territories which are not responsible for the conduct of their international relations as Associate Members of the Organization,
Whereas this same amendment provides that the nature and extent of the rights and obligations of Associate Members shall be determined by the General Conference,
Whereas reference is made in various Articles of the UNESCO Constitution, other than Article II, to the rights and duties of States Members of the Organization,
Resolves that the rights and obligations of Associate Members of the Organization shall be as follows:
That Associate Members shall have the right:
(i) To participate without voting rights in the deliberations of the General Conference and of its commissions and committees;
(ii) To participate equally with Members subject to the limitation on voting in paragraph (i) above, in matters pertaining to the conduct of business of meetings of the Conference and such of its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the General Conference may, from time to time, indicate in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Conference;
(iii) To propose items for inclusion in the provisional agenda of the Conference;
(iv) To receive equally with Members all notices, documents, reports and records;
(v) To participate equally with Members in the procedure for convening special sessions;
That Associate Members shall have the right, equally with Members, to submit proposals to the Executive Board, and to participate, in accordance with regulations established by the Board, in committees established by it, but they shall not be eligible for membership of the Board;
That Associate Members shall be subject to the same obligations as Members, except that the difference in their status shall be taken into account in determining the amount of their contribution to the budget of the Organization;
That the contribution of Associate Members shall be assessed at a proportion of the amount at which they would have been assessed had they been full Members, subject to such limitations as the General Conference may decide;
That the Executive Board be requested to submit a report with recommendations to the next session of the General Conference setting out the standards according to which Associate Members shall be assessed in respect of their financial contributions.
1 See 6 C/Resolutions, p. 83.