Supporting the education system

The mission of UNESCO Nairobi in the Region is to support Member States in strengthening education and training systems to provide high quality, equitable and inclusive education and training for all.
school boy africa
Last update:18 May 2023

As the largest focus of the field’s expertise, UNESCO Nairobi has specialists in education management and leadership, health and wellbeing, digital learning, gender, higher education, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), Education in Emergencies and human rights. This range of expertise is present in both Nairobi, Kenya and in the national offices of Ethiopia, South Sudan and Tanzania and in the Antennas in Madagascar, Rwanda and Uganda, as well as in the UNESCO specialized institutes.

A complex mix of demands

Working across 13 Member States in Eastern Africa variously classified as: middle-income, least developed countries (LDCs), post-conflict and disaster-prone Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), spread across regional economic communities – (ECA), (SADC)  and (IGAD)) pose significant challenges in programming and implementation.  The sector also supports the and the (CESA).

In the education sphere, the issues are no less complex and diverse, and most Member States are making progress towards the SDG 4 targets and the CESA strategic objectives but face notable challenges including: proportion of GDP allocation to education is low by World Bank and UNESCO recommended standards, large youthful population, high pupil- teacher ratios, increasing Out Of School Children (OOSC) rates, high youth unemployment, high numbers of Internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees, and more recently the COVID-19 impacts. The COVID-19 recovery is particularly pertinent where governments closed all schools for a long time in the face of the pandemic. The digital divide and quality teacher training, among others, are challenges to take up urgently.

UNESCO Nairobi's engagement

Policy advice and capacity building in education
Skills for life and work

for development for youth empowerment and higher education

Addressing marginalization and inclusion of vulnerable population

Girls, Refugees, IDPs & Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)

Leveraging digital skills, technologies and innovation for education
Coordination, Collaboration and Partnerships
Research, foresight data & evidence generation

UNESCO Nairobi works closely with key stakeholders and partners such as African Union Commission, East African Community, IGAD, UN Sister Agencies, NGOs and Civil Society Organisations and also with the wide range of UNESCO Institutes including (IICBA), (IIEP), (UIL) and (UIS).


The office is currently working on two region-wide flagships or priority programs
ICT in Education for gender-transformative digital skills

towards knowledge-based society in Eastern Africa

Skills development on Environmental Technology

and Green Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Other projects and programs include
Better Education for Africa Rise (BEAR II)

Forecasting skills demands and use the results to make informed TVET policy, improve TVET pathways, and increase the appeal of TVET

Digital library initiative

that aims to build a culture of reading and inclusion of off-grid communities in Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Uganda and South Sudan

The Regional Learning Hub for Eastern and Southern Africa

A platform that will host learning resources that governments and education stakeholders can download, adapt, and deploy

Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future

For an Eastern Africa where all adolescents and young people attain positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes