Repository of evidence and learning on crisis and risk-related education data

EIE data repository of evidence
Last update:11 May 2023

UNESCO is seeking evidence and learning on practices related to strengthening institutional education information systems and improved crisis and risk-related data in emergencies and protracted crises. The aim is to collect a broad range of practice-based examples and compile them on an open access, peer-reviewed and searchable database hosted by ). It will provide practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers with much-needed actionable knowledge, evidence and learning. 

This effort is part of the UNESCO project ‘Strengthening institutional education information systems for data-driven EiE and resilience to crises’ funded by Education Cannot Wait, NORCAP and SIDA and aimed at enhancing the quality and coordinated use of institutional education information systems for EiE.  

Submissions can be focused on any, or all, parts of the data value chain, from the enabling environment and data production through to data sharing and use. Through this second call for evidence and learning UNESCO is attempting to address identified knowledge and evidence gaps in EiE practice. Submissions should include evidence and learning that contribute to answering: 

  1. How can crisis and risk-related education data within national education systems be strengthened? 
  2. How can education actors, including UNESCO, strengthen the use and sharing of relevant crisis and risk-related data? 
  3. How can crisis and risk-related data be better coordinated and harmonized to support system strengthening aims within national education systems and across the humanitarian-development nexus? 

Who can submit?

We are looking for submissions from all EiE actors involved in work on crisis and risk-related data and the strengthening of institutional education information systems, including: 

  • Ministries of education and other public sector organizations 
  • Community based organizations 
  • Civil society organizations 
  • UN Agencies/International NGOs  
  • Coordination mechanisms (clusters or sector working groups)  
  • National NGOs  
  • Universities/research Institutes  
  • Donors 
  • Private sector organizations 

UNESCO encourages submissions from locally led organizations and actors working with national education systems at decentralized levels. 

When and where to submit?

The submission platform is currently open.

Call for evidence and learning


If you have questions regarding the call or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch via :