Emergency in ukraine

Responding to emergencies

UNESCO addresses the human and institutional dimensions of crisis preparedness, relief, recovery and reconstruction. By supporting access to quality education, protecting cultural heritage at risk, and promoting freedom of expression and information, UNESCO lays the foundations for sustainable recovery and long-term development.

Contributing to humanitarian response, UNESCO provides direct support to help communities in coping with the immediate impact of crisis on their daily lives. UNESCO ensures access to fundamental services, such as quality education for children and youth, as well as access, through , to .  

With its unique mandate to , UNESCO promotes and undertakes mitigating measures to prevent and address damage and destruction; as well as looting and . 

UNESCO also enables country-driven recovery and longer-term development. Through technical assistance and advisory services to local and national authorities and civil society, support is provided for damage and needs assessment, as well as capacity development of affected institutions and professionals.

UNESCO believes in the positive contribution of education, culture, communication and the sciences to peace. It supports these dimensions in dialogue, reconciliation and  and initiatives.  

Culture in emergencies

In an armed conflict or disaster situation, culture is at risk, owing to its vulnerability and symbolic value.

Education in emergencies

Ensuring the right to education in emergencies and building resilience in the face of crisis

Journalism and free speech in emergencies

Promoting the safety of journalists and combatting impunity to safeguard freedom of speech and democracy

Crisis and transition responses

Addressing the human and institutional dimensions of crisis preparedness, relief, recovery and reconstruction.

Protect education from attack

14,000. That’s the number of attacks against schools, universities, students and staff that have taken place over the past five years across 34 countries. Higher education facilities, including Iraq’s iconic university of Mosul, have been devastated and come under siege. The need to protect education in contexts of crisis and conflict has never been more urgent. Attacks against education are attacks against knowledge and the power it brings to transform lives, to build the future. As part of the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, UNESCO is urging all countries to endorse the and make the a reality for all.


Heritage Emergency Fund

Responding to armed conflicts and disasters caused by natural and human-made hazards all over the world

World Heritage in Danger

Inform the international community of conditions which threatens our heritage

Protecting culture in emergencies