
UNESCO supports MOHEST to review and develop South Sudan National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (2022-2032)

Participants at validation meeting for the South Sudan National STI Policy © UNESCO

UNESCO supported Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology (MoHEST) to undertake technical review and development of the draft South Sudan Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy. Following the completion of review and consultations with relevant stakeholders, a Draft South Sudan National Policy on STI 2022-2032 has been validated by key stakeholders, who provided appropriate recommendations and endorsed the draft policy.

Led by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MOHEST) and the UNESCO Country Director and Representative in South Sudan, a validation workshop was held at Grand Juba Hotel, on 7th September 2021. The validation meeting was attended by 45 participants that included the Undersecretaries from MOHEST and other line ministries, Ambassadors of China and Egypt in South Sudan FAO, UNHCR, UNFPA, World Bank and selected public and private sector STI institutions. The Policy is validated by participants with some suggestions.