
UNESCO hosts master class series on indigenous storytelling methods and techniques as part of ‘Hooked on Peace' project

The event was the third major activity since September 2022 under the ‘Hooked on Peace’ initiative, an 18-month long project that empowers indigenous youth to document stories, traditions, and practices promoting peace-building and sustainability in communities throughout South and South-East Asia.
Speakers of the Hooked On Peace training
Hooked on Peace regional training on indigenous story collecting, October 2022.

Everyone has a story to share, and there are countless ways in which those stories can be told. In communities worldwide, stories often represent cultural values and traditions, bridging generations and tying them together to create unique collective and cultural identities.

From 5 to 10 May 2023, the Social Sciences Unit of UNESCO Bangkok organized a series of six online ‘master classes’ on storytelling methods and techniques. These classes covered a wide range of topics, among them:

  • Documentary filmmaking
  • Creative non-fiction
  • Children’s stories
  • Photo storytelling

Master classes were taught by storytelling specialists working both globally and in the Asia-Pacific region. Organizations from Asia were the  (Thailand),  (Bangladesh), and  (Lao PDR), which were joined by the global online platform .

While the classes were specifically tailored to the needs of project participants, they were made publicly available through  here: 

With the knowledge provided through the masterclasses, the participants will be expected to produce digital stories (namely short documentary films and photo stories) presenting the research that they are currently collecting. These digital stories will be made public in open-access format on the upcoming International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples (9 August).

The Hooked on Peace project is part of UNESCO’s wider Together for Peace (T4P) initiative, a collaboration with Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Thailand’s Ministry of Education that aims to create a platform for dialogue and action that enables us to sustain and build positive peace in Asia and the Pacific, while at the same time promoting regional collaboration for enhancing positive peace and sustainability in Asia and the Pacific.

Learn more about the Hooked on Peace initiative and UNESCO Bangkok's work with indigenous youth here:


For more information, please contact Social and Human Sciences Unit, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok (UNESCO Bangkok): shs.bgk(at)

#HookedOnPeace #HoP #TogetherForPeace #T4P #YouthEmpowerment #SocialInclusion #SocialDiversity

Banner portrait photos of speakers (clockwise from top left): Phnom Thano, Indigenous Media Network; Manoj Bohara, International Youth Media Summit; Rebeka Culjak, International Youth Media Summit; Rifat Munim, International Youth Media Summit; Joseph Vaz, International Youth Media Summit; Sameeo Sheesh, Dhaka University; Anysay Keola, Lao New Wave Cinema; and Antonio Britvar, International Youth Media Summit.


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