UNESCO and the European Union Join Forces to Improve the Education System in Tajikistan
Dushanbe, Tajikistan, April 27th and 28th, 2023. The national workshop on competency-based education (CBE) in Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) was organized in Tajikistan by UNESCO within the framework of its project funded by the European Union (EU) "Strengthening competency-based and Information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled, STEM and Vocational Education and Training (VET) education and teacher-training in Tajikistan".
The project aims to improve the overall quality of education in Tajikistan in the areas of STEM, ICT and VET by strengthening teachers’ skills in wider use of gender-responsive competency-based curricula, teaching and learning materials for STEM subjects.
The 82 representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and Ministry of Labor and Migration, and Employment of Population of Republic of Tajikistan and their affiliated structures that focus on teacher education, textbook development, ICT participated at the workshop and discussed and identified ways to improve competency-based STEM education in the country.
The opening ceremony was held by Mr. Abdulzoda Ziyodullo Nazar, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Alizoda Alisher Hikmatullo, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labour, Migration, Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. William Lindberg, Deputy Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation in Tajikistan, and Mr. Amir Piric, Director (OiC) of UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office.
In his speech, Mr. Abdulzoda Ziyodullo Nazar, highlighted that the competency-based approach to education has a significant impact on students' learning outcomes, as it emphasizes the mastery of skills and knowledge rather than simply completing coursework.
The national workshop, provided guidance on the national model for competency-based education using UNESCO's proposed approach, identified and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the existing STEM subject standards, which will be used further in developing textbooks and teaching/learning materials on selected STEM subjects (biology, chemistry, and physics).
The two-day workshop was divided into nine sessions, which were presented by international experts in the field of СBE, STEM, ICT and gender equality. The speakers introduced to the audience the CBE concept and approach, which provides new educational methods of teaching and learning using new technology instruments and tools. The focus was made on teaching students of 7-11 grades on sciences such as biology, physics, and chemistry, where they will acquire new approaches to learn new materials through asking questions, analyzing data, modeling, using transdisciplinary thinking, developing explanations, and designing solutions to problems.
Another important aspect is a gender-responsive education, considering the status of girls and women in STEM education and factors hindering and promoting their participation, achievement, and continuation in STEM fields.
The CBE STEM education will provide an opportunity for both teachers and students at pilot schools as well as the education system to enhance the effectiveness of education by introducing new methods and approaches, attract young professionals among women and increase interest in the above-mentioned sciences.