Call for applications: UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences
The call for nominations for the ninth edition of the UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences is now open.
About the Prize
The UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences aims to reward the projects and activities of individuals, group of individuals, institutions, and non-governmental organizations for their outstanding contribution to the improvement of human life.
The Prize, established by UNESCO’s Executive Board in 2008. It plays an important role in advancing knowledge and strengthening capacities for sustainable development. It directly contributes to the 2030 goals, particularly those aimed at improving the quality of human life, without leaving anyone behind. “BETTER LIFE: SDG 1, 2, 5, 8 and 10".
Funded by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, the Prize, which has a monetary value of US$ 300,000, is divided equally among up to three laureates.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidatures can only be submitted by the following designated authorities:
- UNESCO Member States through their National Commissions;
- Non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO that are active in relevant fields covered by the Prize;
Please note that each Member State or Non-governmental Organization may submit up to five nominations.
Application submission process
Applications may be submitted in two ways:
Designating authorities can invite candidates who they wish to endorse to apply.
Candidates must obtain their endorsment from their National Commission. To do so, candidates must initially register through the following form
Only applications that have been officially endorsed are received by the UNESCO Secretariat.
Once registered, the candidates will be asked to fill in an online application form in English or French, which will include the following:
- Background information
- Outline of the candidate’s contribution to the Prize’s objectives
- Summary of the research work
- List of major scientific publications
Please note that self-nominations shall not be considered as well as incomplete applications.
For further enquiries, please contact the Secretariat of the UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences: