ROAM-X principles: Capacity Building in North Africa
UNESCO held a training on Internet Universality ROAM principles in North Africa School of Internet Governance (12-14 December 2022) and advocated ROAM principles for governing AI during the 5th North Africa Internet Governance Forum 2022 (15-16 December 2022) in Rabat, Morocco. The goal was to raise awareness among stakeholders about how AI could affect the ROAM-X principles of Rights, Openness, Accessibility, and Multi-stakeholder participation.
The session "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights" brought together 50 stakeholders from government, academia, and the media from 5 countries (Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia) to explore the ROAM-X principles and their unique normative value. These principles have been adopted and reflected in a number of international normative initiatives, including the recent , which was adopted by 193 Member States at the 2021 UNESCO General Conference.
The session sparked critical discussions on AI governance, the development of national AI strategies, and its application to public administration, public service, education and all social sectors, with the goal of accelerating digital transformation and AI development in North Africa in a holistic and humanistic manner.
A set of recommendations has been developed for all the stakeholders to develop and use a human rights-based framework for AI in accordance with international human rights standards, as well as to establish clear guidelines to avoid human rights violations. Governments were encouraged to develop appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks to address the human rights challenges posed by the AI development and application. The private sector has been asked to conduct human rights risk assessments and due diligence on AI applications to ensure that they do not obstruct the full enjoyment of fundamental human rights and freedoms. It was suggested that training sessions be organised for all media actors to better Investigate and report on AI development and its applications, including exposure of abuses and biases in AI as well the current and realistically possible benefits.
Following the session, stakeholders from Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia expressed an interest in reviving and launching ROAM-X initiatives in their respective countries. This could also serve to educate stakeholders about digital rights and the broader dimensions of Internet governance, the value of international cooperation, and the importance of conducting human rights-based, ethical impact assessments.
To advance rights-based and human centered digital governance, UNESCO works to continuously support the delivery of ROAM-X training to all regional Internet Governance Forums (IGF), Internet Governance Schools, and IGF youth.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
7 minutes to understand AI and key ROAM-X principles applying to its development.
Episode 1: This episode gives a general introduction to AI and UNESCO’s ROAM-X principles.
Internet Universality ROAM Indicators
UNESCO encourages Member States to conduct voluntary Internet Universality ROAM-X assessments in accordance with the Human Rights, Openness, Accessibility and Multi-stakeholder participation indicators, in order to map and enhance the ecosystem in which secure and privacy-enhancing AI is developed, applied, and governed.