Press release
Promotion of digital education in Guatemala: delivery of IGER scholarships and Huawei tablets to adolescents and young indigenous women of Totonicapán
Within the framework of the UNESCO-Malala-Mineduc Centers project, the UNESCO Representative Office in Guatemala, in partnership with the Guatemalan Institute of Radio Education -IGER- and HUAWEI Guatemala, awarded 50 scholarships for elementary and high school students and 50 tablets to participants of the project.
This remarkable event took place in the municipal hall of San Andres Xecul, with the participation of the Minister of Education, Mrs. Claudia Ruiz Casasola; the Director and Representative of UNESCO in Guatemala, Dr. Julio Carranza; the Mayor of San Andrés Xecul, Mr. Ricardo Chan; the Vice President of the Education, Science and Technology Commission of the Congress of the Republic, Mr. Diego González; the Director of IGER, Mrs. Geraldina Camargo; and the Director of Huawei Guatemala's Communications and Public Relations, Ms. Irene Liang Ailing; the representative in Totonicapán of the Union of Education Workers of Guatemala -STEG-, Mr. Pedro Noé Pacheco Cuá, and Ms. Magdalena Cox, promoter of the UNESCO-MALALA-MINEDUC Centers.
Huawei's collaboration and interest in providing young indigenous women with technological tools led to the donation of 100 latest generation tablets. Thus, a symbolic delivery of 50 devices was made to the scholarship holders of the UNESCO-Malala-Mineduc and IGER Centers. While 50 more female students enrolled in IGERs’ Highschool Program on Administrative and Accounting Management, will receive the devices to continue their studies in 2022. Huawei, aware of local talent and a future of opportunities, has provided electronic devices to transform 150 lives through education.
For UNESCO, IGER and Huawei, this educational transformation began with a first delivery of scholarships and tablets, in January 2021, in the framework of International Education Day. Now, once again, thanks to the strong partnership and inter-institutional support, 100 new digital education opportunities are added. Likewise, with the support of the Ministry of Education, the municipalities of San Andrés Xecul and Santa MarÃa Chiquimula, CONALFA, and Fe y AlegrÃa, educational inclusion processes have been strengthened through the UNESCO-MALALA-MINEDUC Centers.
The right to education must prevail even with the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. In many rural communities in the country, access to education remains limited due to the challenges posed by mobility, infrastructure, connectivity and lack of resources. Thus, it is necessary to rethink and transform educational models in order to achieve greater inclusion and permanence of students at different levels of the educational system.
Therefore, we celebrate with great satisfaction and commitment the alliances that strengthen digital education in Guatemala. Thanks to these public-private partnerships, education continues transforming lives. Through the use of HUAWEI tablets, female students will be able to access the IGER digital platform to continue their basic and high school studies, in addition to expanding their learning opportunities and developing their knowledge in the use of ICT.
Sustainable development is a commitment that involves us all. With the implementation of the UNESCO Malala Fund program for girls' right to education, we support the efforts of the country and the Ministry of Education to achieve the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal 4. Motivating us to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.