
Promoting Quality TVET by Incorporating a Global Citizenship Approach into TVET Programmes

Group photo of the participants

On 23 – 24 May 2023, a virtual international workshop was organized under the theme  Incorporating a Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Approach into TVET Learning Environments was hosted by the UNEVOC Centre at Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute (SXPI), with technical support from UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia (hereafter UNESCO Beijing), the UNEVOC International Centre, and Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi Institute in New Zealand.

A total of 259 participants engaged actively in the workshop. Participants included TVET practitioners, researchers, TVET students and experts from academia and the field of TVET, policy makers and leaders from 19 countries, UNESCO Multi-sectoral Regional Office, UNESCO Category II Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), Regional Cluster Coordinator for UNEVOC Network.

The interface between GCED and TVET was highlighted in the various presentations of the workshop in the context of increased international mobility of TVET graduates across the globe. It is vital to equip the TVET students with the global values and respect for cultural diversity. This workshop was organized with a particular focus on GCED integration in TVET programmes. The workshop was the first international workshop organized by Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute since it was designated as the UNEVOC Centre in 2022. As a new member in the UNEVOC Global Network, Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute has since been actively promoted an inclusive TVET agenda aligned with the UNESCO Global Strategy for TVET (2022-2029).

One significant challenge faced by TVET systems and institutions is to comprehensively incorporate GCED into the TVET curricula and institutional programmes. In this regard, the main objective of the workshop was to build insights, share best practices and exchange ideas on how to better integrate GCED into TVET systems and programmes. They shared case studies of GCED being implemented in Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training of the UNEVOC Network, Shimane Medical University and Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute.

In his opening remarks, Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Beijing Office, highlighted the strategic partnership and cooperation with UNEVOC Centre at Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute. He expressed his appreciation to Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, the UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, and Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi Institute in New Zealand for jointly organizing this successful workshop.

In view of the current era of globalization, Prof. Khan emphasized the need to instill in learners values and behaviors that are aligned with global citizenship, peace, prosperity, and sustainable development. By combining technical skills as demanded by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the soft skills provided by GCED, TVET graduates can be well-equipped to meet the challenges of globalization, fast-changing labor market, green skills, digitalization and automation.

Prof. Shahbaz Khan delivering his opening remarks

Dr. Friedrich Huebler, Head of UNEVOC International Centre for TVET in Bonn, highlighted the close alignment between the role played by GCED in TVET with the three main lines of action proposed by the UNESCO Strategy for TVET (2022-2029). The new UNESCO Strategy for TVET puts forward the need to “Develop skills for individuals to learn, work and live”, to “Develop skills for inclusive and sustainable economies” and “Develop skills for inclusive and peaceful societies”. By prioritizing GCED and cultural awareness, TVET institutions become places for social integration and cohesion, and contribute to the creation of a more peaceful tolerant world.

Dr. Friedrich Huebler delivering his remarks

Mr. Robert Parua, Education Programme Specialist of UNESCO Beijing Office, presented an overview of the UNESCO’s GCED programme and acknowledged UNESCO’s important mission   to nurture GCED programs at all levels of the education systems, including the academic institutions. There is a huge gap to integrate GCED in TVET programmes and the importance of hosting such a relevant workshop. He highlighted the key SDG4 target 4.3 and 4.7 related to TVET and GCED. Fostering quality TVET systems entails a significant potential for change, it could contribute towards the transformation of the educational landscape and equip learners with the values and skills required in their professional careers in many regions and countries.

Mr. Robert Parua delivering his presentation

Ms. Maggie Yang, Programme Specialist of the External Relations and Information Office at the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), presented the possibility of using virtual workshop spaces as tools to raise awareness and facilitate the incorporation of GCED into TVET learning environment. Ms. Yang underlined the importance of research and development, partnership creation and networking as pivotal areas for strengthening GCED in TVET. She highlighted the critical role played by APCEIU in strategic partnership with UNESCO to promote GCED through policy dialogue, capacity development, sharing good practices with UNESCO Member States in all regions.

Ms. Maggie Yang delivering her presentation

Ms. Dahee Choi, Research Associate, Center for International Cooperation, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), shared key highlights of the case study on the implementation of Global Citizenship Education in ROK at the Seminar.

Ms. Dahee Choi, Research Associate, Center for International Cooperation, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), shared key highlights

Prof. Michael Zhang, Regional Director of Greater China for Education New Zealand (ENZ), who once served as Acting Consul-General in Guangzhou and Deputy Consul-General in Chengdu, emphasized on the relevance of dialogue between institutions and stakeholders to identify best solutions for learners. Enhancing skills with GCED will certainly be conducive towards building a more sustainable economy and peaceful society.

Prof. Michael Zhang delivering his presentation

Prof. John Clayton, from Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Institute, facilitated workshop session on educational theories and frameworks, including the Transformative Learning Theory and the Cognitive Load Theory. TVET educators were provided with fundamental tools to construct learning environments that encourage learners to validate their cultural identity. By acknowledging their identity, about who they are, where they come from and what factors influence their engagement, learners will attain a positive mindset of validation and success.

Prof. John Clayton delivering his presentation

Prof. Qin Jingjun, Head of UNEVOC Centre at Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute and Dean of the International Education School of Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, shared the experiences and projects implemented by Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, as a model of implementation in China. In his closing remarks, Prof. Qin stated how the incorporation of GCED into TVET will act as a catalyst for innovation, economic growth, and social development, providing individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Prof. John Clayton, emphasized the need for TVET practitioners, who engage directly with learners, to reflect on their current teaching practices and embrace new approaches to sustainable education.  Mr. Robert Parua on behalf of UNESCO thanked the Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi Institute, and the UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, Germany, to jointly organize the fruitful workshop with positive outcome. The workshop is a good model for collaboration among UNEVOC Centres within the region.

The valuable presentations shared by experts at the workshop will further reinforce the development and integration of Global Citizenship Education into TVET systems that empower and instill individuals with soft skills and global values in peace, respect for diversity and tolerance, and contribute towards building a resilient to contribute towards building inclusive sustainable development.

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Prof. Qin Jingjun delivering his speech