Portugal's education responses to the influx of Ukrainian students
Basic education
The Government aims to integrate Ukrainian students as soon as possible and took measures to allow joining schools mid-school year. It plans to support Portuguese language learning and is offering new arrivals with support in schools and in reception centres by a team made up of specialized teachers, psychologists, social workers, and interpreters. The progressive integration into the school environment will be coordinated with educational establishements and subject to socio-linguistic assessments.
In order to speed up the integration of students, the government introduced measures to simplify the process of granting equivalence of foreign qualifications. This includes waiving fees and the need for certified translations of foreign documents, and enrollment based on age groups in the absence of any information and/or document about the school career of the applicant.
Higher education
All citizens who are granted temporary protection may apply for emergency student status for humanitarian reasons. They can apply for registration and enrolment in a higher education institution for a course that is similar to the one they were attending in Ukraine. A similar course is considered to be one that, although possibly designated in a different way, has the same academic level and provides equivalent training. In case of doubt, the Directorate-General for Higher Education, through the ENIC-NARIC Centre, will support higher education institutions in clarifying the congeneric nature of the course, namely regarding the level of academic qualifications obtained abroad.
When the qualifications cannot be proved by documentary evidence, the higher education institution may carry out alternative procedures to verify those conditions, namely by using the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees.
When the qualifications cannot be documented, the higher education institution may carry out alternative procedures for verifying these conditions, namely through the use of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees. Alternatively, institutions are autonomous to identify appropriate procedures to prove qualifications in undocumented situations (e.g. interviews, tests, analysis of school transcripts extracted from institutional websites).
Students who are in a situation of humanitarian emergency in higher education institutions are guaranteed exceptional equality with national students for the purpose of paying tuition fees, fees and emoluments. They can also apply for scholarships and have access to indirect social support mechanisms, including catering, accommodation and access to health services.
At the tertiary level, many higher education institutions are offering courses taught in English as well as intensive courses in Portuguese for foreigners. Universities and Higher Polytechnic Institutes are welcoming professors and researchers from Ukraine to continue their work in Portugal.
The EU issued operational guidelines for the implementation of Council implementing Decision 2022/382, establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection (2022/C 126 I/01). As such, EU Member States shall grant access to their education system to persons under 18 years old enjoying the temporary protection status under the.
Government sources:
"Integração De Crianças E Jovens Ucranianos No Sistema Educativo Português." XXII Governo - República Portuguesa. Accessed March 22, 2022.
"Educação." Portugal for Ukraine. Last modified March 18, 2022.
"Situações De Emergência Humanitária Decorrentes Do Conflito Militar Na Ucrânia." DGES. Accessed March 30, 2022. .
Other sources:
"Crypto Refugees Fleeing Ukraine Have Found a Haven in Portugal. Here's Why." Fortune. Last modified March 20, 2022.