Open Vacancy: National Consultant (Based in Syria)
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 31st December 2023
The assignment falls in the framework of the project “Promoting Safe and Inclusive Learning Environments among Arab countries in/affected by crisis”. The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for the Arab States in Beirut is dedicated to improving the health and education outcomes for all learners.
To achieve this, the organization's focus is directed towards the national education sectors in Syria and key stakeholders within the Arab region, with the aim of promoting a comprehensive approach to school health and well-being.
As part of this mission, UNESCO is committed to adapting the existing tool for Minimum Standards for safe schools to better suit the unique context of Arab region countries affected by crisis or conflict. In order to ensure the successful implementation of these standards, there will be a strong emphasis on the capacity building of education practitioners.
This will involve the organization of training programs, workshops, and continuous professional development initiatives, all geared towards equipping these practitioners with the necessary expertise. The adapted tool will subsequently undergo a pilot phase in selected schools within Syria, as well as in Jordan or Lebanon. The overarching objective of this project is to reinforce protective and inclusive environments within schools through the promotion and application of this adapted tool.
UNESCO is seeking to contract a consultant based in Syria to provide support for the implementation of the following project activities through the following:
- Provision of support in the adaptation of the tool on Minimum Standards for Safe Schools;
- Delivery of Training of Trainers sessions on the adapted tool;
- Provision of coaching and support for trainers for the training of teachers on the adapted tool;
- Support in the piloting of the adapted tool in Syria C
Tasks Expected and Outputs
Under the overall authority of Director of UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for the Arab States in Beirut and the direct supervision of the Senior Education Advisor for the Arab states, the consultant is expected to perform the following specific tasks, in close coordination with UNESCO-Beirut Office:
- Support in the review and adapt the existing Minimum Standards for safe schools’ tool Participate in the MoE consultation meetings to finalize the manual;
- Support in the organization and facilitation of online consultation meetings with relevant education stakeholders to review and finalize the adapted tool;
- Assess the needs of the trainers and support the international consultant in tailoring the training program according to the specific needs of the participants and the education context in Syria.
- Support in the design and development of training programs for the Training of Trainers and Teachers’ training on the minimum standards for safe schools’ manual;
- Support the international expert in developing monitoring and evaluation tools for the Training of Trainers and the Teachers’ training;
- Deliver a 5-days interactive ToT training program for 30 trainers from the DoEs /MoE in Syria on the adapted Minimum Standards for safe schools’ tool;
- Support and coach the trained trainers in the delivery of trainings on the Minimum Standards for safe schools’ tool for up to 450 teachers (15 teachers/trainer);
- Evaluate the training sessions conducted and propose recommendations as needed;
- Support in the piloting of the tool in selected schools in Syria;
- Coordinate with UNESCO staff, the international expert, and MoE/NATCOM (if needed) to implement the activities.
- Regularly attend meetings, as required.
Technical and Financial proposal
Interested candidates are requested to submit the following to, with cc to
- An up to date curriculum vitae.
- A Technical Proposal consisting of a statement indicating how their qualifications and experience make them suitable for the assignment and the approach and methodology for the assignment, a workplan, a risk mitigation plan and comments on the Terms of Reference if any (in brief);
- A financial proposal specifying the applicant's monthly rate (all inclusive)