
More than one hundred professionals from Latin America participated in free course on the 2005 Convention

The free training course "Strategies and current definitions for the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. 2005 Convention". This six-session training initiative was organized thanks to the collaboration between the Chilean Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage and the UNESCO Representation in Chile.
Gráfica del evento

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, the free training course "Current Strategies and Definitions for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. 2005 Convention". This six-session training initiative was organized thanks to the collaboration between the Chilean Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage and the UNESCO Representation in Chile.

The objective of this course was to promote active participation for sustainable development and capacity building for the design, implementation and evaluation of cultural policies for the implementation of the 2005 Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, a global agreement that formally recognized the dual nature, both cultural and economic, of contemporary cultural expressions produced by artists and cultural professionals.

The six class sessions were held virtually and synchronously to promote reflection and awareness of the importance of protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural expressions. The main characteristics, themes and possibilities for implementing the 2005 Convention were presented, tools were provided for the formulation of policies, programs and initiatives to strengthen and protect the diversity of cultural expressions and the aim was to encourage citizen participation in the design and evaluation of cultural policies related to the 2005 Convention.

The training included presentations by Lázaro Rodríguez, international consultant on culture, creative economy and sustainable development (Cuba-Panama), who is also a member of UNESCO's Bank of Cultural Diversity Specialists. Also participating were the director of the Observatory of Cultural Policies, Bárbara Negrón; Malén Cayupi and Alejandra Castro, coordinators of the project "Promoting cultural diversity through the empowerment of young people", financed by the International Fund for Cultural Diversity, awarded by Balmaceda Arte Joven.

This program had the participation of more than two hundred people from different regions of Chile and Latin American countries such as Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala; all united (the people) by their common interest in strengthening the mechanisms for the protection and promotion of cultural diversity. This led to the creation of means to encourage articulation and exchange among the participants, who showed that they had extensive knowledge and backgrounds related to the mandate of the 2005 Convention.

Video course list
