Press release
Media Development and Freedom of expression: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in West and Central Africa [Online Regional Consultation] July 29th & 30th, 2020
Dakar, July 20th - Within the realm of its "COVID-19 Labs" initiative, a space for reflection and analysis on the present and future implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on UNESCO's fields of competence in Africa, the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for West Africa-Sahel is organizing, jointly with the UNESCO Regional Offices in Abuja and Yaoundé, an online Regional Consultation entitled : "Media Development and Freedom of Expression: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in West and Central Africa".
Since the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic in Africa, the media has continuously mad essential contributions when it comes to, among other things, informing citizens about the development of the disease, raising awareness about protective measures, uncovering misinformation, countering rumors and promoting the sharing of good practices.
However, this necessary contribution has been made and is still being made in a context where the media is facing many technical, economic, social and even political difficulties due to the effects of the measures taken to contain the pandemic. These difficulties are all the more important in West and Central Africa, where the economic model of the media is particularly fragile.
Indeed, there is virtually no dimension of public, private and/or community media (online and offline) that is not impacted. The effects are likely to shape the media landscape of countries in a sustainable way. It is for this reason that a background analysis should be carried out to draw the consequences and propose options to ensure media development in an environment that is conducive to economic viability, freedom of expression and safety of journalists.
It is In this perspective that UNESCO - as the lead agency for the promotion of freedom of expression, media development and the security of journalists, organizes an online regional consultation where experts, decision-makers, politicians, civil society actors, media organizations and professionals will debate the future of the media in West and Central Africa.
The main objectives of this online regional consultation, scheduled for July 29th and 30th, 2020 will be as follows:
- Identifying and promoting the contribution of the media in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular the fight against disinformation;
- Understanding the impact and the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on freedom of expression, safety of journalists, respect for human rights, gender equality in the media, etc.;
- Identifying courses of action to support the development of the media and strengthen its resilience to the effects of large-scale crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Promoting good practices in the media's contribution to fighting against pandemics.
To participate in the online Consultation, which will be held in English and French, please log on to the following link:
- Michel Kenmoe ( – Advisor for Communication and Information, UNESCO's Multisectoral Regional Office for West Africa (Sahel), Dakar, Senegal
- Théodore Somda ( – Communications Officer, UNESCO's Multisectoral Regional Office for West Africa (Sahel), Dakar, Senegal