Marco de acción para garantizar el derecho a la educación: herramientas para la inclusión educativa de personas en contexto de movilidad; reconstruir sin ladrillos
The unprecedented health, social, and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility and interdependence of our world. We are witnessing a planetary transformation characterized by economic imbalances and the existence of new forms of poverty and inequalities, political instability, and the occurrence of disasters driven by climate change. This scenario has challenged the ability of education systems to guarantee the right to education, especially for those who were already in situations of vulnerability, such as people in contexts of mobility. According to figures from UNHCR (2022), more than 7 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean are being displaced.
The Action Framework to guarantee the right to education is aimed at teams from Ministries of Education, decision-makers, policy planners, and professionals and teams from civil society organizations and the United Nations system with the goal of strengthening their capacities in the design and implementation of concrete actions within the educational response that guarantee the right to education for migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and returnees.