Press release

Limitless Horizons Ixil awarded with UNESCO – King Sejong International Literacy Price In Guatemala

Education leaving no-one behind

Press release

Within the celebration of the International Literacy Day, the Ministry of Education, the Korean Embassy in Guatemala, the UNESCO Guatemala Office, and the National Literacy Committee, awarded “Limitless Horizons Ixil” organization with the UNESCO – King Sejong Literacy Price.

Each year, UNESCO’s International Literacy Prices reward projects and organizations who believe and promote literacy. This year, the prices are granted to projects related to inclusive distance and digital learning in Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Guatemala, México, and South Africa. In the case of Limitless Horizons Ixil, the price is corresponds to the UNESCO-King Sejong Literacy, supported and funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea, which pays special attention to literacy in mother tongues.

For UNESCO’s Director General, Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, “these programs have literally changed the lives of thousands of children, young people, women and marginalized adults. Literacy empowers individuals and it expands people’s capabilities and freedom of choice”. Moreover, amidst the COVID-19 crisis, where these projects kept supporting students in their learning processes through accessible technologies.

Limitless Horizons Ixil, was selected for their program: “Broadcasting Bilingual Stories: Promoting interactive literacy programing in rural Guatemala”. It’s main goal is to promote literacy through distance learning for Maya Ixil youth, who are at risk of dropping out of school due to the pandemic.  The price consists of a diploma and a silver medal to acknowledge their efforts on literacy and inclusion, as well as an award of US$ 20,000 to finance and sustain their programs.

To broadcast their bilingual stories, the organization prepares educational broadcasts providing inclusive digital literacy programing for Maya Ixil children and youth; utilizing accessible technology such as radio and television and provides book-lending and academic support in their community library. Since 2004, Limitless  Horizons Ixil has been counteracting gender inequality  and strives to improve the academic performance of youth in the municipality of Chajul, Quiché in the highlands of Guatemala.

The official ceremony took place in the garden of the Ministry of Education, with the participation of the Minister of Education, Claudia Ruiz, the Director and Representative for UNESCO in Central America, Julio Carranza, the Third Vice-Secretary and Vice-consul of Korean Embassy in Guatemala, Eun Pyeong Jang, CONALFA’s Executive Secretary and the General Director of Limitless Horizons Ixil, Verónica Yat Tiu.  As well as the presence of authorities and personnel of the Ministry of Education, UNESCO in Guatemala, the International Literacy Committee and Limitless Horizons Ixil, who travelled from Chajul, Quiché to receive this award.

Literacy can contribute building strong foundations for a human-centered recovery. Moreover in building bridges between literacy and the digital skills that non-literate children and young adults need.

Premio Internacional UNESCO-Rey Sejong 2021 en Guatemala