
LAC ICT Talent23 Regional Meeting: Delving into the Development of Digital Talent in the Smart Era

The objective is to discuss how education and training contribute to the equitable and inclusive development of digital skills in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Niños en computadora
LAC ICT Talent Summit 2023: Delving into Digital Talent Development in the AI Era
Bogota, Colombia
Rooms :
Bogota, Colombia
Type :
Cat III - Non-governmental conference
Arrangement type :

From the Colombian capital, Bogotá, leaders and experts from the region will gather at the LAC ICT TALENT 23 Summit, a meeting and response to the urgent need to address and strengthen digital talent in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The world is advancing rapidly, and with it, technology and digitalization. The region, rich in youth and potential, faces, however, considerable challenges. The pandemic has exposed gaps that require not just attention, but immediate action. It is in this context that the LAC ICT TALENT 23 Summit positions itself as a forum on solutions and a place for meaningful discussions.

The event is organized by UNESCO, the Government of Colombia, Huawei, GIZ, and EFE. Over two days, attendees will immerse themselves in enriching sessions where representatives from the private, public, academic sectors, and multilateral organizations will share their knowledge, experiences, and visions for the future.

Its purpose is clear: to adapt and evolve digital education in the region, assess the impact of labor mobility on digital talent, and above all, formulate strategies to ensure effective and equitable inclusion in this constantly changing digital world.

General objective

To facilitate discussions on how education and training can contribute to the equitable and inclusive development of digital and complementary skills in the Latin America and Caribbean region, and to understand the impact of the latest digital technological trends on digital talent and economic development.

Specific objectives

  1. Discuss effective strategies for equipping people with the necessary tools to navigate the rapid changes brought about by digital development (such as national strategies and global positioning in digital education).
  2. Discuss and facilitate understanding of the impact of global labor mobility on the development and availability of digital talent, focusing especially on the participation of migrant workers and the role of SMEs.
  3. Contribute to the development of an inclusive and digitally competent workforce that includes women, people in mobility contexts, people with disabilities, and other diverse groups.
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Event secretariat

Multisectoral Regional Office of UNESCO in Santiago.
For more information, please contact Ms. Laetitia Courtois at l.courtois@unesco.org
+ 56 (2) 2472 4616