
Increasing TVET Competencies for Youth in the Palestinian Labour Market

Women in TVET

Budget: $1,198,267 USD

Project duration: 2021-2023

Location: Palestine 

Funded by the Government of Belgium through Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency. 

The project aims to bridge the gap between the demand and supply sides of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and create new job opportunities among youth.

The activities of the project centre on school/ Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) preparation, teacher training, establishing innovation hubs, supporting startups, and raising awareness on the importance of TVET that will improve the performance of the labor market and increase job opportunities for youth, while also mainstreaming gender and disability inclusion. Building digitalisation and 21st century skills, green skills, and entrepreneurship are key components of the project. 

The main activities implemented by UNESCO as part of this project, also known as TVET4Future, include:

  • Analysis of the labour market and development of a Labour Market Information System (LMIS) 
  • Raising awareness of the viability and benefits of TVET as an educational track for young people 
  • Establishing innovation hubs on tourism, tech and fashion design, and implementing bootcamps and specialised training for young people in these areas
  • Developing skills development packages on TVET for young people 
  • Upskilling TVET personnel (Training of Trainers - ToT)