
Disability Equality in the Media

UNESCO calls for more inclusive, relevant, and accessible media coverage, content production and management practices for persons with disabilities.
Disability Equality in the Media

Media coverage has a huge impact on public perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of all citizens, including persons with disabilities. However, it is rare for the media to include disability issues in their overall coverage and to provide content and access to their platforms in full compliance with information and web accessibility standards. When they do, the focus is on specific disability-related events, initiatives or programmes. In these cases, accessible media features are provided on an exceptional rather than standard basis.  

At present, there is no self-regulatory mechanism in place to monitor and promote the balanced and diverse representation of persons with disabilities in the media and to assess the accessibility standards of content and platforms. Furthermore, people with disabilities are seen as "news figures" describing their situation, rather than as "information sources" who can provide timely information or expertise, contribute to the production of news stories and work in media institutions. 

To support transformative changes in and within the media, UNESCO is preparing the Practical Manual on Disability Equality in the Media and the Master Class Video series, which aim to encourage the media to promote respect for inclusion, equality and meaningful engagement and participation of persons with disabilities.  

On December 6, 2023, in conjunction with the UN's week-long celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, UNESCO will host a webinar on promoting disability equality in the media. During this webinar which is scheduled to take place from 17.00 to 19.00 (CET), the following experts will highlight different aspects of diversity, inclusion, and equality of persons with disabilities in the media: 

  • Ms Kristin Gilger, Professor Emerita, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Arizona State University (USA) 

  • Ms Laetitia Bernard, Journalist, France Inter, Regards Croisés (France) 

  • Mr Alireza Darvishy, Professor, Head, ICT-Accessibility Lab, ZHAW Zurich University of Engineering and Award Winner of UNESCO/Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah Prize for Digital Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Switzerland/Iran) 

  • Mr Agam Shah, Journalist, Board Member, National Center on Disability and Journalism, Faculty Member, Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism (USA) 

  • Mr Jürgen Menze, Technical Specialist, Disability Inclusion and Coordinator and Global Business and Disability Network (GBDN), International Labor Organization (ILO). 

  • Ms Mirta Lourenco, Chief, Media Development and Media in Emergency Section, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO (Moderator) 

Participants will be presented with the first results of the work launched earlier this year to prepare the Practical Manual. The event will serve as an open platform to gather feedback from media professionals, persons with disabilities, experts, and other stakeholders on the proposed practical recommendations of the Practical Manual. Recommendations made during the meeting will be used to finalize the publication.  

A series of UNESCO Master Class hosted by Ms Sophie Morgan, TV presenter, Producer and Disability Rights Activist (UK), will be screened at the event, as will other supportive messages from the prominent media professionals. 

Media Pluralism

Let’s together remove barriers for audiences with disabilities!

Visit the event’s page, register online and participate:

Practical information

  • Webinar webpage: Virtual meeting (Zoom Online Meeting Facilities)  
  • Interpretation in English and French