Call for participation: Experts to join Ad-hoc groups of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
UNESCO, as a lead United Nations agency working in close cooperation with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), is facilitating the organization of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032 (IDIL 2022-2032).
A Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages has been set up to operate as an international governance mechanism for the Decade. The Global Task Force established four Ad-hoc groups based on the recommendation of the Steering Committee. As per the and internal rules of the Global Task Force, Ad-hoc groups shall be tasked to provide a forum for consultations with experts in order to focus on various subjects and provide advice on specific aspects of the implementation of the . The Steering Committee decided to establish four Ad-hoc groups, each with a specific thematic topic or issue:
Ad-hoc group 1. Provision of education and domains for Indigenous languages, which will focus on education systems, policies and ensuring inclusive and equitable education.
Ad-hoc group 2. Indigenous language transmission and resilience building, which will focus on the empowerment of all generations in knowledge transmission through language.
Ad-hoc group 3. Recognition, status, and implementation of policy for the indigenous languages, which will map the recognition and status of Indigenous languages in languages policies and to analyze the implementation of those policies.
Ad-hoc group 4. Digital equality and domains, which will aim to bring down the barriers Indigenous languages face in the digital domain.
UNESCO is issuing an Open Call for Participation in the Ad-hoc groups of the International Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages. Depending on the subject matter, the Ad-hoc groups shall consist of a group of individual experts who represent their governments, Indigenous Peoples鈥 institutions and organizations, academia, civil society, public and private organizations, and other stakeholders (both in personal and institutional capacity). It is to be noted that Ad-hoc groups have a limit of 20 members to facilitate efficiency. As such, priority will be given to those candidates who are recognized subject matter experts at an international level, particularly Indigenous, and shall be selected for their competence.
UNESCO hereby invites experts worldwide to join the Ad-hoc groups and contribute their expertise to the initiatives undertaken during the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. Your participation promises to greatly enhance the effectiveness and impact of these endeavors. More information on the implementation of the Ad-hoc groups and their respective purpose can be found in .
Submission of candidates
If you are interested in joining any of the four Ad-hoc groups, please send us your name, title, organization and contact details, as well as a short biography and an indication of which ad-hoc group(s) you are interested in joining, via an e-mail below to the Secretariat of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, by Wednesday 5 June 2024.