
Announcement | Selected Cases for the “Museums for Everyone: Innovative Practices in Accessibility and Inclusion” Call for Good Practices

16 case studies were selected for the “Museums for Everyone: Innovative Practices in Accessibility and Inclusion” Call for Good Practices.
children with visual impairments learning about the structure of dinosaur skeleton through touch and oral video explanation

The Museum for Everyone: Innovative Practices in Accessibility and Inclusion” Call for Good Practices co-launched by UNESCO and the Chinese Museums Association (CMA) for museums in China has received enthusiastic participation from across the country since its launch. A total of 75 case studies submitted from 60 museums covered scopes such as physical accessibility, digital accessibility, and accessible education and activities.

Under the strategic and technical guidance from UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia and CMA, an expert panel of 17 specialists and scholars from museums, China Disabled Persons’ Federation, and organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) evaluated the submitted cases based on criteria of innovation, effectiveness, impact, sustainability, replicability, and inclusivity. Here present the 16 selected museums whose practices collectively demonstrate the breadth of innovative approaches to accessible services among museums in China, providing solutions and practical experiences worthy of further exploration and promotion on a global level to continuously advance accessibility for all.

The finalists will be featured in UNESCO’s Museums for Everyone: Innovative Practices in Accessibility and Inclusion publication, which will be publicly available soon.

Finalists(Alphabetical order)
Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall (National Accessibility Exhibition Hall)
Capital Museum, China
China Grand Canal Museum
Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum
Guangdong Museum (Guangzhou Luxun Museum)
Liangzhu Museum (Liangzhu Research Institute)
Liuzhou Industrial Museum
Nanjing Museum
Shaanxi History Museum
Shanghai World Expo Museum
Sichuan University Museum
Tao Fen Memorial Hall (The Museum of China Press and Publication)
The Memorial Museum of 1911 Revolution
The Palace Museum
Visually Impaired Cultural Museum
Zhejiang Provincial Museum