5th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves

From 22 to 25 September 2025, more than 2 000 stakeholders—including scientists, policymakers, community leaders, entrepreneurs, and conservationists—will gather to shape the future of UNESCO’s 750+ biosphere reserves across 136 countries, thanks to the kind support of the Government of China and the City of Hangzhou.
Discussions will focus on the contributions of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves towards global sustainability, aligning efforts with key international frameworks such as the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
Stay tuned for programme details and latest updates
Registration to the World Congress of Biosphere Reserves is open until 20 June 2025 and is mandatory for all participants.
New Man and the Biosphere Programme Strategic Action Plan
The final draft of the new Man and the Biosphere Programme Strategic Action Plan (2026-2035) (MAB) will be presented to the Congress for endorsement. The development of this new strategic document for the MAB Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves is the product of an extensive collaborative process led by a Drafting Group composed of experts from across the global MAB community, under the oversight of the MAB Bureau.
Two 'Friends of the Drafting Group' meetings were held in Agadir, Morocco, from 3–5 July 2024, allowing MAB International Coordination Council participants and observers to discuss priorities for the new strategic action plan. Four virtual information sessions were conducted on 6–7 November 2024, bringing together over 400 representatives from MAB National Committees and biosphere reserves. Subsequently, the MAB Secretariat launched a public consultation, through which the global MAB community had the opportunity to share their views on the draft's scope, structure, and core contents, helping refine the strategy for the coming decade. Together, these events ensured broad representation and provided a platform for open dialogue.