Thematic Action Track 5: Financing of education

Thematic Action Tracks are key levers to transform education by focusing on five areas that need attention.
Action Track 5
Last update:8 December 2023

The Action Tracks seek to mobilize new commitments, by highlighting policy interventions that work, and leveraging existing initiatives and partnerships, including those that emerged in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Finance icon

Thematic Action Track 5: Financing of education

Global education spending has grown, but is thwarted by high population growth. Managing education during the COVID-19 pandemic and less aid has left education with a major financial gap.

In this context, the first step toward transformation is to urge funders to redirect resources back to education to close the funding gap. Following that, countries must have increased and sustainable financing for achieving SDG 4. These resources must be equitably and effectively allocated and monitored. 

Addressing the gaps in education financing requires policy in: 

  • Mobilizing more resources, especially domestic
  • Increasing efficiency and equity of allocations and expenditures  
  • Improving education financing data

Determining which areas needs to be financed, and how, will be informed by recommendations from each of the other four tracks.

Key issues

  • Adequate and sustainable financing matched to country needs
  • Equity and efficiency of spending on education


The discussion paper, prepared by the co-leads of the Thematic Action Track with the support of UN support teams and in consultation with countries and partners, provides latest insights on the financing of education.

Thematic Action Track co-leads 

  • Belgium
  • Fiji
  • Global Campaign for Education

UN support team

  • World Bank (anchor), GPE (alternate), UNESCO

Update and the way forward by co-lead at the Pre-Summit, UNESCO 28-30 June 2022

Watch David Archer, Global Campaign for Education