Arab States
SDG 4 in the Arab states
SDG 4 Benchmarking and Indicators
The UNESCO Office in Beirut also supports Arab Member States in setting SDG 4 regional and national benchmarks, indicators and targets for the years 2025 and 2030 to monitor their progress towards SDG 4.
The Office has conducted several regional technical workshops on the SDG 4 benchmarking process.
Benchmarking involves establishing national benchmarks to assess each country's contribution to achieving SDG4. Similar to the approaches taken in the climate change agenda, this process allows countries to define their own targets, considering their unique contexts and starting points. It enhances countries' ownership and accountability for their national targets, aligns education agendas at national, regional, and global levels, improves planning processes, identifies data gaps, and fosters peer dialogue for cross-country learning.
The goal is to accelerate progress toward the shared education objectives.