Teachers Professional Development (BRiCE 2018-2022)

Good practices in Teachers Professional Development (BRiCE 2018-2022)Building on the “Teachers in Crisis Contexts” (TiCC), global evidence-based approach from Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), the project has adapted TiCC to the specific needs of teachers and learners in the crisis affected environments of Uganda and South Sudan. The TEPD centres offer a mixed methods approach and continuous support and engagement with teachers; among the activities are training as well as Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs) and classroom visitations/observations among teachers as outlined in the TiCC Peer Coaching materials. Implementing partners and local stakeholders, including governments, district education officials, trainers of local primary teacher colleges, and teachers have taken part in the development of the TEPD package. The process was also informed by a teacher needs assessment carried out in Uganda in 2018 in the settlement area and a desk review of relevant documentation in South Sudan. Results are well documented and validated by the final evaluation of the project.

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Teachers Professional Development (BRiCE 2018-2022)