Teach For All: A systemic approach to transforming education through the development of educational leadership

Ensuring success in effecting transformation and moving aggregate outcomes for children sustainably will require a focus on strengthening the leadership capacity at all levels of the education sector, and a targeted approach for developing educators with the mindsets and skills to tackle the systemic and complex challenges that the most underserved communities in their countries face. Evidence shows that this teaching experience deepens teachers´ belief in what is possible when students and communities come together around a common goal, shapes their understanding of the multiple and systemic changes that will be required to address inequities, influences their career priorities towards education and the social sector, and develops their networks and relationships with each other and with students, families, and others in their schools and communities. The Teach For All network has recruited and trained over 100,000 teacher leaders in more than 60 countries around the world and offers an approach to leadership development, which can be adapted by others seeking to foster greater local ownership for sustainable development in education and other sectors. Across the network´s88,000 alumni, 72% remain working in education.

Group of students and a professor smiling around a table with books

Teach For All: A systemic approach to transforming education through the development of educational leadership