Schools2030 is a ten-year participatory learning improvement programme that is collaborating with 1000 government schools and community learning centers across 10 countries, including Afghanistan. The aim of Schools2030 is to co-develop new, scalable models about how to improve quality holistic learning outcomes for all. Using the principles of human-centered design and focusing on the key transition years of ages 5, 10 and 15, Schools2030 works directly with teachers to:1. Assess holistic learning levels and the learning environment;2. Design, test and iterate a micro-innovation to support improved learning outcomes; and3. Showcase these innovations drawing on assessment data and other evidence on “what works” to improve holistic learning in the most marginalized communities.One best practice which has emerged from Afghanistan is “Reaching out-of-school children in fragile contexts: distance learning in rural Afghanistan.” We consider this a best practice because it exemplifies many of the criteria outlined in the TES guidance note.This best practice emerged through consultation with communities, parents, students, teachers, local education authorities. It was designed to support children´s academic as well as social-emotional development. It was targeted at some of the most marginalised communities in rural Afghanistan, and 70% of the beneficiaries were girls. The project is low-cost, scalable, and applicable to other crisis settings. The learning materials (video lessons and worksheets) were developed during the COVID-19 pandemic and aligned to curricular standards and priorities that were in place at that time in Afghanistan. The initiative continues to be implemented now in order to reach children who are unable to access formal schooling, which demonstrates the capacity for sustainability and effectiveness while being implemented using few resources.
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