Rajasthan Online Teacher Professional Development Programme

Rajasthan Online Teacher Professional Development ProgrammeWas able to cover 120,000 teachers in a highly interactive blended learning course, with high completion rates - Analysis of effective in-person Professional Development practices to find their online counterpart approach - Understanding teacher context, including their online practices; use of mentors and helpline to enable successful transition to online learning - Using a ‘learning flow´ that follows sequence in which teachers learn, use of principle from andragogy - Use of ‘learning pulse´ as interactive unit of learning - Exposure to experience, generation of reflection, scope for application in own situation - ‘off line´ tasks with each segment, involving peer interaction, textbook analysis, lesson planning, material development and creation of ‘my own manual´ by each teacher - Ongoing self-assessment as a pedagogical tool - Interactive platform - High degree of completion rates, teacher feedback, evidence from on-ground inperson qualitative research – all show how well it was received. Also, recent anecdotal evidence of teachers wanting to implement in class, and continue their learning.

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Rajasthan Online Teacher Professional Development Programme