Public vs Private Transformative Solutions for Education, Side Meeting
Action Aid, Right to Education Initiative, Oxfam, UNESCO, and UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education
The Transformative Education Summit and Pre-Summit offer a unique opportunity to rethink education, to take stock of what works and does not, to discuss potential solutions to chronic and recent problems in education. Dr. Boly Barry, Dr. Antoninis, and representatives from ActionAid, Oxfam, Education International, and Right to Education Initiative and TaxEd Alliance critically analyzed the increasing role of private providers in education, and discussed different approaches to improve public education to increase inclusion and equity, offering a gender-transformative education to meet SDG4. The panel will explore actionable solutions to reduce teacher shortages and improve access and quality of education through adequate and sustainable financing, and equity and efficiency of spending on education. By engaging different constituencies, from UN agencies, to INGOs, teacher unions, and other education experts from around the world, this side meeting provided a space for reflection and discussion of transformative solutions for education. As such, it informed the work of action tracks 1, 3, and 5.
Speakers: Dr. Boly Barry, UNSR; Dr. Manos Antoninis, GEMR UNESCO; Delphine Dorsi, RTE initiative; Antonia Wulff/ Manuela Mendonca, EI; Dr. Maria Ron Balsera, TaxEd Alliance; Kira Boe/ Ingrid Mikkelsen, Oxfam.