Open Meeting: Teaching to take care of oneself, others, and the planet: On the road to TES and COP28, Side Meeting
Aga Khan Foundation, Global School Leaders, Learning Planet Alliance and Teach for All
This was the first in-person meeting of a community of practice (Circle) that feeds into the Glasgow Work Programme on Action for Climate Empowerment. The meeting brought together existing members of the Circle, and opened its doors to others attending the Pre-Summit who wanted to join the conversation. It also served as a preparatory event for the meeting proposed by Earthday and partners on the 30th of June. This Circle exists to grow a great, powerful community for pushing towards real impact across different levels (system level, classroom/capacity level, leadership level), with tangible outputs that transform education towards climate action and leadership, culminating at COP28, for the advancement of climate action and leadership through education.
This Circle itself is a spotlight initiative, bringing together key organisations and individuals around the world who are working in climate and education: two fields which are still too separate to make the rapid, systemic changes that are needed to save the planet.
This meeting contributed to thematic action tracks 2 and 3, working closely with teachers, the teaching profession and policy makers at a national level to contribute to skills for life and sustainable development. The Circle meeting created momentum towards a global change in climate education, and showcased leaders and champions in this area, while offering a platform for teachers and the teaching profession, alongside climate and other education experts to share their vision and make their voices heard, in particular focusing on the role of and space for climate education at the TES in September, with a view to making sure this is heard clearly and acted upon at COP28.